Chapter 15

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Kyle's P.O.V

"Xea! No! Will you, ugh, sit still" i demanded of her.

It had been two weeks since I restarted school, and Xea had been doing great, until today. She wouldn't wake up, refused to take a bath, resisted breakfast and now she won't let me get her dressed. I was feeling stressed out, she was hard to handle when she was like this. The one thing i didn't have to fight her on was her meds, she took those no problem.

"Xea May sit down!" I shouted.

She stopped trying to fight me and sat down so I could put her clothes on.

"Im sorry i raised my voice baby but you gotta listen, okay?" I apologized to her.

"Otay dada, done?" She asked as i finished putting her uniform on.

"Yes done baby."

Before I could get the full sentence out she was up and running for the door. I groaned and ran after her grabbing everything that we needed before leaving our dorm. She refused to hold my hand and walk beside me. Pushing button after button, i was almost fed up with it.

"Good morning Xea" I heard Fray's cheery voice.

She in turn ignored him walking into the classroom and straight for the toys. He gave me a concered look.

"She does not want to listen today, it has been hell. She hasn't eaten, did bath and barely let me dress her." I told him.

He gave an understanding look, "well we'll see how she does in class. We'll pull you if we need to. "

"Pull me if she gets sent to Iris, right now, its school hours and she's my little."

I was being dominant with him because its what we agreed upon. During school she was my little not theirs, this was between her and me. He nodded though and I went to my own class. Dominant classes were so much different. We talked about the same things the littles did, but on a different level. It was more of how to deal with what we would do if we messed up.

"Hey Kyle you look worn out, everything okay?" Harry asked as i sat at my desk.

"Xea, shes being difficult today."

"Oh, do you think it's got anything to do with what today is?"

I thought about it, what was today? Fuck, it's been two years today since Oliver took her, the first time. I took my phone out and texted Fray, hoping he would see it before something happened.

"Kyle phones away class is starting" our teacher barked at me.

I quickly put it in my pocket, though it was hard to focus on the lesson worrying about Xea. I really hope she doesn't do anything to bad before I can talk to her again.


By lunch I was relieved that I hadn't been called out of class. When I reached the classroom Fray was sitting at his desk staring at Xea as she sat with her arms crossed.

"What happened?" I inquired.

"She decided to mouth off, saying that today was stupid and what we were talking about was irrelevant" Fray told me.

"Nuh uh, I said dat today was stupid and you no know what you're talking bout!" Xea sassed from her desk.

I gripped Fray's upper arm as he went to try and scold her, I whispered in his ear and he immediately understood. We walked calmly over to her, she was confused at first.

"Baby we understand that today is difficult for you, but you cant act out like this. Do you have therapy today?" Fray asked.

She shook her head, eyes watering lightly.

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