xiii | a walking cliché

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Harvey sat in the bleachers of the Long Beach High School gymnasium, almost not believing that he was willingly sitting in a school involved activity.

Apparently neither could the people surrounding him, so instead of watching the starting lineup being announced, they openly gape at him.

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he scanned the gym floor for Lennon. When he didn't see any sign of the basketball team, he sighed and started to play with the cuff of his leather jacket.

As if on cue, the school marching band started to play just as his phone started to ring. Looking at the caller ID, he saw Free's name and picked up.

"What?" He answered, barely paying attention because the starting lineup was being selected, and if Lennon was as good as she claimed to be, they would've call out her name.

"Come on down to Paradiso," she slurred through the phone, with music being audible in the background. "All the drinks and pot are on me."

"No, I'm busy," he told her sharply, her eyes still trained on the court. "Maybe another time."

"Wha-" she didn't even get to finished her sentence, because he heard the last position being called out.

"And last but not least, your last year's MVP, top small forward in the city, in the starting lineup we have... Lennon Versailles!"

The whole gym went crazy, and Harvey's eyes widened. He hadn't anticipated how loved she was in the school based on her athletic talent.

And she didn't seem fazed by it one bit. Gracefully, she waved to the bleachers and jogged onto the court in her blue and yellow uniform, slapping her teammates' hands in high fives and smiling at everyone. In a quick motion, her eyes swept the crowd and stopped once they settled on him.

He nodded his head at her, and she smiled back brightly and he noticed the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks.

Grinning, he sat back and watched as the game started.

For most of the game, the team passed Lennon the ball at the three point line and the crowd watched with amazement as more than 85% of her shots went in.

By the time the game ended, Long Beach won by a landslide, 68-28 with Lennon scoring about 40 of the team's points.

After the game, he sat in the bleachers watching as the last people cleared out from the gymnasium before she finally walked out the locker room.

Her wavy hair was still tied up in the high ponytail she sported during the game, but she was now clad in a fitted white tank top under her oversized letterman jacket and a pair of high waisted skinny jeans.

She bided adieu to her teammates, before making her way over to Harvey.

"So what did you think?" Lennon's voice was airy and light as she sat next to him, and there was a bright smile on her face.

"You were in your fucking zone out there, you did amazing," he complimented, grinning back at her.

That simple polite statement was enough to have her cheeks heat up quickly. "Thanks."

It was silence for a couple of moments before he stood up and asked: "you ready?"

She nodded, and they stomped off the bleachers to make their way towards the parking lot.

"Where's your car?" She questioned, looking around the carpark.

He chucked, before fishing his keys from his pocket and pointed across the lot. "I didn't take a car today."

Lennon visibly paled. "No freaking way."

Harvey laughed before taking her gym bag from her hands and grasping her hand in his. "C'mon, Lennon! Live a little!"

His hand tingled where they touched, and even if Lennon didn't feel it, he sure as hell did.

Groaning, she let him drag her over to his motorcycle. "But really, Harvey? This is all sort of cliché, don't you think?"

His eyebrows knitted together in confusion, not understanding what she was insinuating.

She chuckled, and gestured to his body. "You've got the whole getup of a typical bad boy going on. Like, you're wearing a leather jacket, you're driving a motorcycle, and what's next, you'll tell me you're an underground street fighter?"

Throwing back his head, Harvey belted out a laugh that resonated through the empty parking lot.

When he finally calmed his booming laugh down to a silent chuckle, he swung his leg over the bike to start the engine. "You coming, Picasso?"

Lennon could only grin before she mimicked his movements and wrapped her arms around his abdomen.

"Wait," he said before pulling out from the school. Turning his body around, he reached up behind Lennon and tugged at the hair tie.

Her dark brown locks tumbled down to her shoulders, and she looked into his eyes to question his actions.

"I want you to feel the wind running through your hair on your first ride," he explained, before revving the engine. "It's always the most thrilling part of a first time rider's experience."

Before she could ask for her scrunchie back to put her hair back, he tossed it in the ground and sped off.

She shrieked in fear before holding on tight to Harvey.

Not that he minded one bit.

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