xxvii | lean on me

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Calvin sat in his room at home Friday night, thoughts swarming through his head as a lit cigarette was held between his fingers and his MacBook sat in his lap.

He stared the blank word document and took a drag of his cigarette, the blinking line taunting him as he tried to figure out what his essay was going to be based on. He began to cut down his intake of weed, and even though nicotine was addictive and didn't calm him down as much, he opted for cigarettes.

For the latest events, he needed to be completely sober and attentive, just in case anyone was in trouble. Everyone, except Free has been slightly lowering their drug and alcohol intake and taking school a bit more seriously, even though it was a little too late.

It was late November, and the end of the semester was early January. It wasn't enough to try and pick up their grades for college applications and Calvin was so swamped with essays that he almost felt like giving up.

He clicked back to the Common Application page with a groan, and read over the requirements for New York University. He knew he was the best when it came to grades after Oakley so he had a slight shot at getting into a good enough school.

He was the best test taker and analyzer, so when it came to that part of his grade, he excelled. Attendance and homework wise...not so much.

"Fucking shit," he muttered to himself, his eyes wide when he realized he had to write four essays alone for just one school.

I really should've listened to the guidance counselor when she recommended essay writing classes, Calvin thought with annoyance. But Free wanted to go out on a road trip the Saturday it was scheduled last month.

Free. Her name triggered a calm anger in his veins and he took another puff to relax himself.

She had a way of dragging the rest of the Cannibals down when they finally seemed to flourish. The day before midterms two weeks ago, she wanted to go to Paradiso even when the group repeatedly said no.

All through the night she called each of them, wondering when they would get there as if she was deaf to the word no.

Calvin sighed and crushed his cigarette on the ashtray. He needed help, and he needed it now.

Picking up his phone, he dialed a number.

"Hello?" Lennon's soft voice came through the phone and internally he sighed with relief, knowing that she sounded safe.

"Hey, it's Calvin," he replied, pinching his bottom lip between his two fingers in nervousness.

"I have caller ID, you know," she said with a laugh. "I know who you are."

He laughed with her, realizing how stupid he must've sound. "Right. Listen, I need a favor from you."


"You're applying to NYU?" Lennon asked, leaning on his desk next to him to peer at the laptop screen.

"Yeah, I want to get as far away from this place as possible," he explained, running his hands through his dark brown locks.

"I'm applying there for the same reason," she admitted, crossing her arms in from of her chest.

There was an awkward pause, and Calvin cleared his throat. "Uh, how is everything at home?"

"It's okay, I guess. My mom's boyfriend hasn't been home in days for some reason," she said, shrugging her shoulders like it was no big deal.

"Wait, it's your mom's boyfriend?" He asked in disbelief, his eyes wide. "Why don't you just tell your mom what's-"

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