Something's Starting Right Now

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AN: So...there is a Big Finish audio for this. I don't care for it. I'm ignoring it. In my universe, it's not canon.

I like this story more.


He thrashed again. Pain. Pain. Everything radiated pain. He growled, trying again to curl away from the pain.

A voice spoke to him. He flinched from this figure. People did this to him. People locked him away. Another person would only hurt him more. The ground crumbled beneath his jerking feet.

Pain again. He whined, long ago having lost air to scream. The air was burning. His lungs were burning. His skin burned.

The voice spoke again, and the pain stopped. Miraculously, it stopped. He gasped. His eyes widened. This finally let him see the person that approached.

Two arms were held aloft. A bowl clenched inside her pale white hands, her white sleeves stained with green acid.

"It's okay." She assured him. She'd been saying that the whole time, he realized. "It's okay. We'll get out- it's okay. We'll be okay. Yes, yes then we'll be okay. I have a plan. We'll be okay."


It's a wonderful day, and I am an amazing person.

I tossed the birthday card away. It's fucking ass-kissing bullshit.

Darcy Anderson snorted beside me. She grabbed the card mid air to read it. "Who's fucking 'Donald'?"

"I think it's Kelly from accounting." I replied. Darcy snickered. "Oh. Donald is from the trackers lab. Basically the census takers of our people."

Darcy blew air. She tossed the card into the fire. "Not even a gift card. Do Donald and Kelly even know us?"

"They know me. You've been dead the whole time." I reminded her.

Darcy waved the comment away. "I came back."

"An hour ago."

She waved that away too.

It's been a very hectic month. Year? Five years? Things have been weird for a very long time. These particular things were extra weird. Where can I start? Maybe in the 80's.

A very special person was having their 19th birthday. Her name was Delilah Patterson, but she preferred to be called Elle. Elle decided to do something fun and exciting for this particular birthday. She was in England for it too. To her surprise, a TV show was talking up a big storm of it's newest season (they called it series, how confusing) with the newest character- the Seventh Doctor.

She figured out where she'd go. It took her maybe a month to get everything approved and squared away. Elle came from a very special race of people. Human in shape, yes, but inside was very different. The soul inside existed beyond the confines of that human shape. She grew up knowing what she was, and her parents stressed the importance of that legacy to her. Elle treated it with that same level of importance.

Elle Patterson visited Doctor Who, and met the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith. It took very little time for her to be swept away by the adventure of the stars. She saved planets, met historic figures, and made two good friends. Eventually, those adventures ended. She decided to stay for Sarah Jane, and wait for their friend to come back.

It took decades. Her patience paid off. One day, Sarah Jane and Elle Patterson met the Doctor again. This time they met his new companions, but one took Elle's attention.

Terra Johnson.

It's a boring story after that everyone knows. Bat teachers, dinner lady oil, Kenny killed the teachers, and K9 got an upgrade. It's all very beautiful. But something about that girl stuck with Elle. Eventually, Sarah Jane passed and Elle knew it was time to go.

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