The Human World Is A Mess

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Tyler Turner winced. The wallpaper rotted, peeling off the walls. It's that toxic green everyone loved in the Victorian ages, but led to so much illness and disease. The floorboards were full of holes into the basement. The stairs had no handrail. All the light fixtures were still better suited for gas lamps instead of electric. It's the definition of a fixer upper, and the first building his client insisted on seeing.

"Here at Haven Group Real Estate, we try to find your perfect home. I must apologize for the state of this place, madame, but rest assured, many of the other homes we are scheduled to see today-"

"No. This is good."

"Just- I'm required to tell you the walls are full of asbestos, and the floorboards are rotted. Not to mention the plumbing barely works." Turner tried.

The client hopped around the living room. She avoided the large holes, and the most rotted of spots. Dust filled the air. The windows let in no sunlight.

"You'd need to pay for the repairs yourself." He added.

"I can do that." She twirled on the rotted carpet. "It'll be fun."

"I'm shocked this building wasn't torn down. No human should live here. Ever."

The client turned to him. She smiled, adjusting her dark blue bowtie. "Exactly. I'll take it."


You'd think it's better to start with a blank slate. Normally, I'd agree. This building should be a fresh start for anyone and everyone walking in from the doors. Except, that's not exactly right.

The building is meant to restore them. They were broken and in need of healing love. To start the build from a broken down home, left abandoned and forgotten by everyone? That suits the Haven much better than a freshly built home.

Magic works better when these sorts of things are added.

My friend was in complete agreement. That doesn't mean she liked the new building. Twilight Sparkle walked into the place, immediately sneezing from all the dust.

"Bless you." I continued scribbling notes.

The current dimensions of the building mattered for the restructure. The entire thing looked like the Haven I knew, except shrunken down. It's odd to be in a space where I keep expecting more room.

No, I haven't walked into the walls. And even if I did, it wasn't my fault. It's the part of the 10th Doctor in my head. He's extraordinarily clumsy.

So I gave Twilight the entire speech. Explaining the intent behind the efforts, with the add ons of magical assistance.

"Uhh, Raspberry? I agree on all those points, but...are you sure this is- whoa!" Twilight stepped forward.

I caught her arm, pulling her to safety. The rug fell through the new hole in the floor. It floated harmlessly to the basement. "Okay. First, sending all the rugs in for cleaning. You ever watch a rug get cleaned? It's oddly therapeutic."

Twilight got her new footing. It's good that she's human right now and not her real alicorn self. It's also good that the magic gave her boots. Boots are a much better look than heels or flats. "No, I haven't."

"It's so fun." I cheered. Back to business time. I showed off the notepad. "There's gonna be a checklist and everything! I know you like those."

"That is true." Twilight admitted. She eyed the notepad with a nerdy glee. She shook her head, going back to her usual state of worrywart. "But we can make spells work without a rotted home."

"No we can't!" I dismissed the concern. "Come on, Twilight! You're the one person I trusted with this stuff! Nobody else understood transdimensional relocation like you!"

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