A Black and Purple Lunch-Virgil's POV

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It was lunch time. I was fixing my makeup, covering the new black eye. Aches and pains covering me like a blanket, head to toe.
People think I'm an emo with no soulmate and deserve any punishment I get. I don't care enough to correct them so here we are now.
My black eye was halfway covered when the door to the bathroom opened. Roman walked in and stopped dead in his tracks seeing the bruise. Before I could say anything he was in front of me cupping my face. I felt a slight heat creep into it face.
"What the hell happened?!" His eyes filled with worry.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I say and try to pull my face away. His grip tightens.
"Of course it's something to worry about you're hurt!" That surprised me. I hadn't told him that I'm his soulmate, and we aren't even friends.
"Sorry but why are you so worried?" He looked at me like I grew 3 extra heads.
"Are," he paused, "are you being serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" I got out of his grip and back to my makeup. While packing up my makeup bag Roman spoke up.
"Can I eat lunch with you?" I looked at him confused.
"Cause I want to be your friend!" He looked at me with a wide smile, his warm hazel eyes twinkling.
I sighed, "Yeah okay." I lead him to my normal lunch spot, an apple in my hand, under a shady tree in an empty corner of the quart yard. I sit and motion for him to sit next to me. An awkward silence setting between us.
"Why do you have a black eye?" He asked, his voice gentle, yet somehow still stern. Yet not pushy. He looked at me, genuine concern filling his eyes. I thought about lying but couldn't get the words out. Truth it is I guess. "Just some dickheads who beat me up. A normal day basically." I say taking a bite of my apple.
"Why though?! And how is that a normal day?!" I look over to him, searching for any sign of this being some sick joke. Surprised at not finding any, I just shrug. I feel a warmth cover my free hand on the ground. I look down to see a flower covered hand atop my own.
"I only met you today but I want," Roman trailed off, "I want to be closer. I want to break that reinforced glass." He paused after each word, letting them sink in. Heat rose to my cheeks, thankfully not visible behind my white foundation. Wait what glass?
I thought for a bit. His face visibly dimmed making my heart feel heavy. "We can be friends," he smiled widely making my heart flutter. I had been dreaming about this, needing this. This is way too good to be true. "but just a warning, that means that you're gonna be dealing with a lot of my sarcastic bullshit." He nodded smiling wider than before.

He'll be gone by the end of the month, if that. Then I'll loose my soulmate.

Word Count: 526
Remember all criticism is welcomed. If there's anything I can improve on please tell me. (I also made some art for what Virgil looks like in this without his makeup or contacts. I think I'll do one Roman later on)

 I think I'll do one Roman later on)

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