Chapter Nine

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A knock on the door interrupted my haze. Standing up, I went over and opened the door. There stood a girl with incredibly pale skin and that firetruck red hair. Her eyes, they were also a red. Reddish like the eyes of immortal beings.

But vampires are just myths weren't they? Like werewolves, witches, warlocks, and faeries were also fake. Just a stories and creatures humans made up to pass the time.

"May I help you?" I hesitantly spoke up asking the woman standing outside my door. "Where's your lover boy, shouldn't he be protecting you?" Her voice sounded smoother than melted butter, smoother than honey.

It matched her feline look well. "What?" I was confused by her words, why would Emmett need to protect me? She gracefully let herself into my house, almost as if she was floating against the ground. "You aren't aware of us are you?"

Her eyes hovered my body making me shift. My forehead creased, "What are you talking about?" She threw her head back letting out a sinister laugh. "I'll let you figure that out on your own." Then she disappeared.

I looked at the open door swinging due to the slight wind. My body shivered at the thought. What does she mean about us? Are her and Emmett together?

I moved to shut the door right before I see Emmett walking up the steps to my door. "Where'd you go?" I spoke without thought. If he already had a girlfriend and thinks he can get together with me he is badly mistaken.

My eyes were looking at him with a hard glare. Maybe he was off banging someone else during his time not at my house. I moved to slam the door in his face, but his foot stopped me from doing so. "Hey, what is wrong?"

I looked at him, if he thought something more will happen between us, he ruined it. "Move your foot." I spat out, angry. He gave off a look of confusion towards me. "What happened?" I refused to fall for this bullshit he was trying to pull on me.

"Just go back to your stupid red-headed girlfriend and leave me alone." I almost shouted it, but didn't to avoid attention drawn to us. Then he pushed the door open and of course, I couldn't stop him and the door slammed to a close.

"I don't have a red-headed girlfriend." His arms were now crossed with a hint of annoyance on his face. "That's not what she implied, so if you think you can play me-" My words were brought to a halt and now felt the couch underneath me.

Emmett hovering over me, his broad arms caging me in. I couldn't help but notice his muscles are now flexed. "I would never, do that," he emphasised his words, "Ever." I turned head away from him, staring at the couch.

How could I know if he's not lying to me? It's almost like he heard my thoughts, "I especially wouldn't lie to you." My heart ached. I felt a single tear fall down my cheek onto the fabric of the couch. His hand moved my head to look at him.

"You're my princess. And I don't lie to princesses." I slightly let a smile appear on my lips. "But what about-" He shushed me, putting a finger over my lips. "Not important, that person isn't even a friend." I felt a small wave of relief hearing that.

Emmett turned us over, so now I was above him as he looked up at me. One of his hands reached up and removed the hair tie, letting my hair fall. He flung it on the little table that sat in front of the small couch.

My arms were getting a little tired from holding myself self above him and so I slowly lowered down, my head now on his chest. My legs were stretched out between his. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

Then his arms wrapped around me, it felt nice. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. My body wanted me to sleep here in his arms, but my mind refused. I was afraid that he wouldn't be here when I woke up.

He caressed my head making it even more difficult to stay awake. "You won't leave again, will you?" There was a slight drowsiness in my voice. "No." His lips touched to my forehead. I felt he wasn't lying., and so I willingly shut my eyes.

Before I knew it, I was lights out.

Emmett POV

She looked so peaceful laying here in my arms. Her brown hair was strewn on her back, along with a few strands falling down onto her tan arms. Her skin looked ever so dark when next to my pale skin. But I didn't mind that; I knew she wasn't one of the werewolves.

The only other tan skinned people here in Forks. "Mmm..." I thought she woke up, but no she's still sound asleep. How has she not even noticed that my skin is ice cold? It's almost as if she didn't even notice it.

Not that I wanted her to, though it would give me reason to tell her about me and my family. I hated leaving her earlier this morning, but I needed to hunt. Since she didn't know, I couldn't leave her note saying,

Hey, I'm out hunting so I don't drink your blood.

The Volturi, also plays a big factor of why I can't let her know unless absolutely nessacary. They will kill any human who knows about our kind. But when she thought I had a girlfriend with red hair, and that she was here.

It must be Victoria, we know she's after Bella because of Edward killing James. But what motive would Victoria have in order to come after her, after my precious Emberly. It sounds like I think she can't hold her own when I say precious.

But hell, she can hold her own, stand up for herself. But when it comes to the Volturi and Victoria, she really is precious. Her life would be on the line and I fear it already is.

If she came here...

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