"I haven't been to one of these parties in a long ass time." Harry murmurs as he kicks a rock as we walk hand in hand.

"When is the last time you went out? Like, to a club?"

"We're both too young to be going to clubs, Ariana."

"Are you serious? I've been to so many of those clubs and I actually got to drink without showing an ID."

"What if they caught you? Wouldn't you get in trouble?"

"I live for trouble." I smile proudly and Harry rolls his eyes. Seconds later we walk up a lit up pathway leading to Mark's door.

Harry takes a deep breath and raises his hand to ring the doorbell but I swat his hand away.

"What the hell are you doing!!" I scold him and push him away from the doorbell.

"What does it look like I am doing? I am ringing the doorbell." A sarcastic grin spreads across Harry's face and I huff in annoyance.

"Music is blasting through this house right now. Do you possibly think they will hear it?" I cock my eyebrow up and he shrugs.

"Are you ready?" Harry asks me as he places his shaky hand over the doorknob.

"I was born ready."

Harry nods and sucks in a deep breath before twisting the doorknob, he slowly opens it and we both step in. Dozens, maybe a hundred, of drunk or swaying bodies come to view as we shut the door behind us. The heavy scent of liquor and smoke make its way to my nose and I almost choke on my own breath as I suck in air. It reeks of cigarettes and in here, but that is how it is. People drink, dance, smoke, and throw up for the hell of it. Loud music blast through the large house along with everyone's mixed in laughter and speaking.

I grab onto Harry's hand and drag him throughout the house in search of somewhere to sit and talk, usually what I do in these parties. We push past several swaying sweaty bodies and a few couples on top of each other making out or just sharing a drink and talking. There is about four more hours until it is midnight and half of the people here are already drunk, and there are still plenty of people yet to come.

I tighten my grip on Harry's hand as someone bumps into me, someone a lot taller than me. I look up and meet Elizabeth's blue eyes, outlined with her usual dark eyeliner.

"You scared me!" I shout and pull Elizabeth into an embrace, momentarily letting go of Harry's hand but quickly lacing my fingers with his again after Elizabeth and I pull apart.

"Ari! I missed you." Elizabeth shouts into my ear over the thumping music.

"Me too. Where's Jason?" I change the subject and search around for him before I see him come behind Elizabeth.

"I'm here!" Jason says, pulling me into an awkward embrace before we pull away.

"I missed you guys! Where have you been?" I say.

Elizabeth flashes me a smirk and says, "I think we should be asking you the same question." Her eyes flash towards Harry and I direct my attention to him. Harry has his eyes glued down onto me and a wide smile spread across his face.

We walk to an empty corner of the living room and gather up in a small circle to talk. I place my hand on Harry's back and push him forward to greet Elizabeth and Jason. "Elizabeth, Jason, this is Harry."

Elizabeth smirks as they shake hands briefly and flashes them both his beautiful smile, dimples and all. Jason pulls him into a man hug and slaps him on the back twice before Harry returns to my side. "I'm Harry. Ariana's..." Harry trails off, looking down at me with his signature smirk. "Friend."

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