Chapter 1

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Before you begin I just wanted to say that this is my first ever fanfic so I'm sorry it ain't that good. Hope you love it!


"Along time ago my name was Lancelot"

•••• a few hours later••••

" We are going to have to stop and rest for the night. We can continue in the morning" Squirrel said. We set up a place to sleep. Suddenly the bushes started moving. I got my sword. Whoever it was, was crying and whispering for help. "NIMUE?"Squirrel screamed. Wait Nimue? As in the wolf blood witch? Squirrel was crying at the sight of Nimue. " HELP HER LANCELOT!" Squirrel screamed with tears running down his face.  I hurried over there. I didn't know what to do but she whispered to take the arrows out. I slowly started taking them out and she screamed out in pain. She was shivering and wet. As I finish taking the last arrow out, I felt her forehead and she was running a fever. As much as I didn't want to take off my cloak and risk my identity, I didn't want her to freeze to death. I carefully wrapped my cloak around her and gladly she fell asleep. Squirrel was laying there watching half asleep. I started to move but Squirrel whispered that I should sleep beside her Incase something happened. So I did.

••• Next morning••••
As I woke up I felt something on my chest. I slowly looked down and found her laid on my chest and my arms tightly wrapped around her. How'd we end up like this? She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Wait what. I have no idea where that came from. I didn't want to wake her but I didn't want her freaking out when she woke up so I gently laid her down and went and sat beside squirrel who was slowly waking up.


Uhh where am I. Something smells manly but sweet. Whatever it is smells good. I slowly woke up and found myself wrapped in someone's cloak. I looked around trying to find squirrel. As I found him I see someone I never thought I'd see sitting beside him. The weeping monk. The man who killed my mom, family, and friends. The man who burnt our homes and food to the ground. " Squirrel, what in bloody name is HE doing here. You need to get away from him!". Squirrel said, " Nimue, he saved me. He's my friend. The red paladins was fixing to kill me but he killed them first. And he's fey". " Him? The one that killed your people, saved you and he's a fey? Then why'd you kill all 'your' people then huh?" The monk whispered in a deep voice " I'm sorry. The green knight made me realize what I was doing. Killing innocents. That makes me a monster, I know. But I truly am sorry." I could see the guiltiness in his eyes. He has beautiful eyes. Wait what? Where'd that come from? " Fine but it's gonna take me a while to trust you." He slowly nodded his head. I tried to stand but fell right back down. The monk instantly rushed to my side asking if I was alright. I couldn't help but slightly grin. " How are we gonna get out of here. I need to find Merlin. I need to find my father and tell him I'm alright" He slowly helped me up and led me to his horse. He picked me up with ease and gently put me on the horse. He got on and then helped squirrel up. He wrapped his arms around me to guide the horse and I felt myself blushing a little. Why am I feeling like this? I suddenly started feeling sleepy and slowly fell asleep cuddled up into the monk.


Haha sorry this sucks. I'm not good at writing as you can tell 😂. Anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

The monk and the witch Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя