Thirty Four

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THE DAYS went by painfully slow for Gallifrey after their beloved king passed away. The royal family was in ruins. The Queen turned cold, neglecting her children.

The children in question were left to servants to look after. The eldest child, Lulla, often found herself hiding away in one of the many gardens, silent in her grieving for her late father.

As the years went on, Lulla, as the eldest of the two, would soon go on to take over as the new ruler of Gallifrey, whether she liked it or not.

Her uncle, a rather stoic, cold being, had travelled miles to help her mother, whom was still mourning her husband. Lulla didnt like her uncle all that much. He wasn't particularly rude towards her, she just felt he had a very strange aura to him, that was all.

Decades passed. In big, bold letters, were the words 'QUEEN DEAD!', written on every paper, every letter. The prime topic of discussion, only what would happen now?
"What happened to them? Are they dead?" Nasreen panicked, pacing back and forth in worry.

"They'd better not be" an angry Pip muttered, her arms firmly crossed.

"It's not quicksand. She didn't just sink. It pulled her in. It wanted her" the Doctor spoke quietly, Pips words still playing in his head, stuck on repeat.

"I couldn't save my best friend. But I will make this promise right here, right now. I promise to save Amelia Pond. Do you hear me, Doctor?"

"The ground wanted her?" Mack raised his eyebrow, not quite believing what he was hearing.

"You said the ground was dormant. Just a patch of earth, when you first saw it this morning. And the drink had been stopped" Pip remembered their earlier conversation, and turned to look at them both.

"That's right"

"But when you restarted the drill, the ground fought back" the Doctor pointed toward the ground.

"So what, the ground wants us to stop drilling? Doctor, that is ridiculous" Nasreen rolled her eyes, not seeing the look Pip was giving her.

"It's not ridiculous. What are you even doing, mining in a place like this, I think that's pretty ridiculous" the brunette glared at Nasreen and Mack.

"Oh, if course. Its bio programming" the Doctor chuckled slightly, shaking his head.


"Oh, it's clever. You use bio signals to resonate the internal molecular structure of natural objects. It's mainly used in engineering and construction, mostly jungle planets, but that's way in the future and not here. What's it doing here?"

"Did you just say jungle planets?" Nasreen looked at Mack in disbelief. This man truly is insane.

"You're not making any sense, man"

"He never does" Pip snickered, turning to look at the Doctor, who was now pouting.

"Excuse me. I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up. The earth, the ground beneath our feet, was bio-programmed to attack"

"Yeah, even if that were possible, which, by the way, it's not, why?" Nasreen crossed her arms, frowning.

"To stop you drilling, of course. Why else? It's really not that hard to understand. Whatever's underground doesn't like that drill of yours. Of course its going to attack, it feels threatened" Pip threw her arms up in the air, now very exasperated.

"What, but-"

"Shush, shush, silence. Absolute silence. You've stopped the drill, right?" The Doctor put his forefinger to his lips, pacing back and forth.


"So why can I still hear drilling?
Hey all
This one is short, I know but I had to say something.
Before I get back to a sort of reasonable update schedule, I want to address all the A level students. You were screwed over, it's disgusting. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible it must feel having grades lowered to the extent that they were. You have every right to be upset and angry, but it's not your fault. You didn't get the opportunity to sit these exams, and prove you can get the grades you need.
To all those who can't get into universities e.t.c, appeal, or look into other universities that offer the same courses you wanted to take!! I know me saying all that probably hasn't really helped at all, and I'm so, so sorry you're in this horrible position.

Wishing you all well, I hope everything turns out okay in the end!


Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant