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RORY WILLIAMS was standing by the green, his camera phone taking pictures of what he believed to be the strangest, yet most exciting thing that had ever happened it his life.
His life wasn't all that interesting.

A man and a dog. Yet, it can't be. The man was in the coma ward before he left the hospital. What is going on?

He jumped when he felt someone grab his phone. He'd obviously zoned out.

"The sun's going out, and you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?" The strange man poked and prodded him.

His confused demeanour changed when he saw both, his best friend and his girlfriend.

"Amy, Pip" he greeted his beloved girlfriend and friend.

"Hi! Oh, this is Rory, he's a friend" Amy introduced her "friend" to the Doctor, making Pip frown. They were still together, weren't they?

"Boyfriend" Pip coughed and nudged her.

"Kind of boyfriend" Amy glared at her brunette friend, making poor Pip even more confused.

"Man and dog. Why?" The Doctor grew annoyed, demanding answer. They didn't have time for messing around like this.

Rory's face lit up in recognition, the penny finally dropped.

"Oh my god, it's him" he pointed at the man.

"Just answer his question please" Pip practically groaned. This was getting ridiculous now.

"It's him though. The Doctor, the raggedy Doctor. You drew all those pictures of him, Pip. Stuck them all over your room" he pointed out, only for Pip to cover her face in embarrassment. The Doctor smiled, feeling that same tingling sensation from earlier. He quickly shrugged it off, and he continued on with his questioning.

"Man and dog. Tell me now" he asked once more, growing more impatient by the second.

"Sorry. Because he can't be here. Because he's-"

"In a hospital, in a coma" the Doctor and Rory finished together. The Doctor grinning triumphantly, the two girls raising their eyebrows at his behaviour.

"Knew it. Multiform, you see? Disguise itself as anything, but it needs a life feed. A psychic link with a living but dormant mind"

The four of them immediately turned around when they heard the dog barking. Only it wasn't the dog. The man was barking. This was nothing new to the Doctor, Amy and Pip, for they had seen it back at the house. For Rory, this was something new altogether. Hard to comprehend.

"Prisoner Zero" the Doctor acknowledged the poor attempt of the aliens disguise.

"What? There's a Prisoner Zero too?" Rory decided to take a nap after all of this had blown over, this was far too much for him to handle

"Yes" Amy responded, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

The village green went dark all of a sudden. Above them, in the sky, a space ship lowered ever so slightly. It looked to take the form of an eyeball, the large pupil darting around quickly.

"See? That ship up there is scanning this area for non-terrestrial technology. And nothing says non-terrestrial like a sonic screwdriver"

The Doctor grinned, before aiming his sonic screwdriver in different directions. The street lights exploded, numerous car alarms went off, and a poor old woman's mobility scooter went zooming off down the road. Not to mention the fire engine that sped past, sirens blaring, with no driver in the driver's seat.

"Oi, Come back here! Come back!" The Doctor shouted at the ship, which was starting to retreat.

"No, no! No, don't do that!"

"Look, it's going" Rory exclaimed, extremely relieved.

"No, come back! He's here! Come back! He's here. Prisoner zero is-"

The Doctor was cut off when he caught sight of prisoner zero appeared to turn squidgy, before disappearing down a drain cover.

"Doctor! The drain. It just sort of melted and went down the drain" Amy pointed out the painfully obvious, making Pip roll her eyes, as they'd all seen it happen.

The Doctor was now sat in a fire engine, Pip in the driver's seat. She didn't quite trust him to drive, after he managed to crash his box all those years ago.

She happened to notice, out of the corner of her eye, the Doctor eyeing a button. She recognised it to operate the sirens. She inwardly chuckled.

"Go on then" she told him. The Doctor grinned, before pressing the button. The sirens were blaring, the Doctor laughing.

Pip had realised what a child he was, and found herself feeling that same tingling sensation again. She ignored it for the time being. They had more important things to focus on. The possible end of the world, for example.

The two finally made it to Mrs Angelo's house for the second time. They ran to Jeff's room, the Doctor going for his laptop, which was situated in Jeff's lap.

"Hello. Laptop, give me" he made to grab the laptop.

"No, no, no, no, wait" Jeff appeared distressed, making Pip frown. Does his laptop mean that much to him?

"It's fine. Give it here" the Doctor argued back.

"Hang on!" Jeff made one last attempt to keep his laptop.

He failed, however. The Doctor grabbed his laptop, his eyes widening at what he saw on the screen.

"Blimey. Get a girlfriend, Jeff"

Pip made to look at what Jeff had previously been doing, only for the Doctor to move the laptop out of her view.

"Not appropriate for you" he didn't want Pip to see such things.

Now on the way to the hospital, the Doctor was on the phone to Amy.

"Are you in?" He asked her.

"Yep. But so's Prisoner Zero" she replied.

"You need to get out of there" he instructed.

"He was so angry. He kept shouting and shouting. And that dog. The size of that dog" Amy rambled on.

A woman and her child walked towards Amy and Rory. The woman began to talk, only for the words to come out of the child's mouth instead.

"Where did he go, did you see? Has he gone? We hid in the ladies"

Amy and Rory stared at the two.

"Oh I'm getting it wrong again, aren't I? I'm always doing that. So many mouths" the mother said, almost menacingly.

Amy and Rory began to back away from them, and nearly screamed when the mother opened her mouth to reveal sharp, pointy, needle teeth.

"Oh my god" Rory whisper shouted.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now