Twenty Nine

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PIP SAT cross-legged next to the Doctor, his hand in hers, as she traced her thumb softly over it.

"Poor Pip. He always leaves, you doesn't he, alone in the dark. Never apologises" the Dream Lord snickered.

"He doesn't have to apologise"

"That's good, because he never will. And all three have left you with me. Spooky old, not to be trusted me"

The Dream Lord vanished, and reappeared behind her, in a dressing gown which showed a little of his chest.

"Anything could happen" he smirked, the brunette grimacing in response.

"Enough of this. Who are you. The Doctor knows who you are, but he's not telling me. He always tells me. Yeah, it takes a while, but he does eventually. Which means that you're something different" Pip crossed her arms.

"Oh, is that who you think you are? The one he trusts?"

"Yes, I do" Pip glared.

"The only girl in the universe to whom the Doctor tells everything?"

Pip took a single step toward him, her glare hardening.


The Dream Lord took a step back, scoffing.

"So what's his name?"

"I know what his name is" Pip smirked.

"No, you only know of his title. His real name, now that's a whole other story"

"I said, I know what his name is" Pip replied confidently, still smirking. The Dream Lord paused, frowning. She was right, and he knew it.

"Now, which of these would you really choose? Look at them. You ran away with a handsome hero, a ginger scout, whom isn't really all that interesting if I'm honest, and a bumbling country doctor who thinks all he needs to be interesting is a ponytail. Would you really give that up for a child who's not even alive? Oh wait, or is he?"

"Stop it" Pip's glare faltered, her hands balling into fists. Tears were threatening to fall down her face.

"But maybe it's better than living and losing the Doctor"

"Who said I loved him? When have I ever showed any sort of signs, given any sort of hints that would point toward such an absurd accusation?"

"Oh, Pip. I see it in your eyes. When you look at him, when you talk to him. Heck, even when you're annoyed with him. If that's not enough, then I don't know what is"

Pip was silent.

"Admit it, Pip. You're not wanted here, or anywhere, you're background noise. Ever since Rory and Amy got together, you've been third wheeling. Well, fourth wheeling now technically, but-"


The tears had fallen. Pip felt destroyed. It was true, all of it was true. She didn't want to admit it, but hearing someone else say it really added salt to the wound.

"Enough. Enough of the petty insults, enough of the teasing. Enough"

The Dream Lord's face contorted to that of regret. He'd gone to far. He'd said too much. He couldn't turn back now, couldn't fix it.

"One day, there will come a day. A day where the two people you've known longest, the two people you feel you trust most, will leave. They'll leave, and they may never come back. I'm sorry"

The Dreamlord chose his next words carefully.

"Pick a world, and this nightmare will be over, somewhat. In the end, the outcome is the same. You'll still be background noise, but perhaps you'll be valued a little bit more in one" The Dream Lord shrugged his shoulders, trying to look as if he didn't care.

"Your choice"

With that, the Dream Lord vanished again.

She shivered, the cold finally getting to her. She'd somehow completely forgotten about the freezing temperature.

She sat close by the control panel, her tears finally having dried up. She looked at the Doctor, Amy and Rory's sleeping form on the floor and ever-so-slightly smiled. He may have been correct, but she wasn't going to let that get to her now.

She finally felt sleep taking over, and fell asleep.
Whilst all this was taking place, the Doctor had woken up, and seeing Pips sleeping form leaning on him, he smiled.

The moment didn't last long, however. He managed to carry her sleeping form toward a camper van. He put her in the passenger seat, before driving off.

On his way, the Dream Lord appeared, smirking.

"It's make your mind up time in both worlds" he snickered.

The Doctor simply stared ahead, trying to concentrate on driving.

"Bye. I need to find my friends"

"Friends? Is that the right word for the people you acquire? Friends are people you stay in touch with. Your friends never see you again after they've grown up. The old man prefers the company of the young, does he not?"

The Dream Lord's gaze drifted toward the sleeping brunette in the passenger seat.

"Take Pip. Dear Pippa Danforth. Saw her space man for the first time at the young age of four years old. Dreampt of him every night since. Never saw him again till the age of seventeen. Finally felt a sense of belonging. Don't worry though, I've given her a good talking to" the Dream Lord snickered, only for it to die down once he remembered seeing her distraught face.

"What did you say to her" the Doctor's face darkened. He needed to control himself, otherwise this 'Dream Lord' would discover exactly why they called him the Oncominf Storm. Although, he'd be ultimately threatening himself, wouldn't he?

"I gave her the facts. Couldn't even argue with me, bless her. A lot of yelling though, you've got yourself a feisty one"

The Doctor was about to reply, but the Dream Lord vanished.

He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

He quickly glanced at the brunette, still sleeping. His hand unconsciously made it's way to her own, and he clasped it gently.

About ten minutes later, she woke up, groaning.

"Ah, hello you" the Doctor smiled.

"Hello to you too. Where are we?"

"We're going back to the Pond's cottage. I've a feeling they're there"

"Ahh, I see, Clever Boy" she smiled slightly.
Hey you lot.
Yes I am posting this at 3am. I can't sleep, so I figured I'd publish this for you all.
Have a good day/night, wherever you all are!

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now