Twenty Six

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AS THE four of them woke up in Upper Leadworth, a teacher was seen leading a crowd of children past them. The church's clock chimed. It felt real. This felt real.

"Okay, this is the real one. Definitely this one. It feels all solid" Amy remarked, referring to her stomach, obviously.

"You said that back in the Tardis, when you weren't pregnant" Pip pointed out, Amy glaring at her. Her glare went unnoticed, however.

"You can't spot a dream whilst you're having it" the Doctor said, passing little Alfie back to her mother, as he'd fallen asleep. He then proceeded to wave his hand in front of his face, making Pip snort quietly.

"What on earth are you doing, you clever boy?"

"Looking for motion blur, pixelation. It could be a computer simulation. I don't think so, though" he sighed in frustration. What was happening to them?

A small, old woman walks by them, waving at them.

"Hello, Doctor" she smiles.

"Hi" Rory responds, waving back and smiling.

The Doctor looks at Rory, frowning.

"She meant Rory, mate" Pip smirked, poking his shoulder. The Doctor pouted.

"You're a doctor now?"

"Yeah. And unlike you, I've actually passed some exams" Rory replies, smirking. Pip laughed quietly, making sure to not wake up Alfie.

After their brain-cell-stealing conversation took place, they made their way to the care home.

In the lounge, Amy, Rory and Pip were greeted warmly by the residents.

"Hello loves. Bless little Alfie. He alright?" Mrs Poggit, one of the residents asked.

"Yeah, hes alright, little Alfie. Bit tired though" she smiled, not protesting when the little boy was taken out of her hands, and into Mrs Poggit's instead. She trusted her more than most people. Of course, there would always be one particular person she would trust more than anyone. With her life. That person just happened to be stood in this room with her.

"Can I borrow you? You're just the size of my grandson" another resident directed her question toward the Doctor, whom agrees to her request.

"Slightly keen to move on. Freak physchic schism to sort out. You're incredibly old aren't you?" The Doctor rambled, receiving a light wack on the back of his head from Pip.

The residents turn around to look at him. It was silent for a moment, before the birdsong started up yet again. The four of them drifted off to sleep.
"Okay. I hate this, Doctor. Stop it, because this is real. This is definitely real. I keep saying that, don't I?"

"Yeah. You also said Leadworth was real. Make up your mind, woman" Pip muttered.

"It's bloody cold" Rory remarked, shivering.

"The heating's off" the Doctor stated, not really caring about the temperature he had more important things to take care of.

"Mrs Poggit better be looking after Alfie. Ooh, that sounded a bit rude. Sorry, I meant I hope she and Alfie are okay. She's a lovely woman, honestly" Pip rambled.

"Oh I wouldn't believe her nice old lady act if I were you" the Doctor warned her.

"Act? What are you going on about?" Pip asked, only to be completely ignored by the Time Lord. Alien.

"Everything's off. Sensors, core power. We're drifting. The scanner's off so we can't even see out. Someone, something Is overriding my controls"

"Well that took a while" came a voice from out of the blue.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz