Marcel gave me a slight nod, telling me to go ahead and explain, so I did. I explained everything Harry had once told me about him and William’s relationship, not sparing the gory details. Red was my best friend, and Marcel was involved now too; we all needed to be on the same page.

“What the fuck?!’’ Red shouted, standing up to further showcase her bewilderment. “Continue Marcel, I just need a minute to let this sink in.’’ She informed us dramatically.

“William made everything harder for Harry; he drug him into a world he never intended to be a part of: the sex industry. Harry used to be a happy kid, sex-crazed, but happy; when he was with William he was different, he was cold and distant. He acted as if he was untouchable, like no one would ever be better than he was. It was—”

“You told me something like that as well,’’ Red cut Marcel off. I looked at her, confusion written on my face. “We were at his party a couple weeks ago, and you said the exact same thing.”

“About what?’’ I asked, confused about what I had supposably said.

“Let me think for a few seconds,’’ She told us, and I saw her closing her eyes. Her brow furrowed, concentrating on trying to remember something that happened while she was more than likely drunk. “I got it!’’ She exclaimed. “You said he was doing it again — looking untouchable, like the whole world revolved around him.’’

“Oh that, I remember.’’ I agreed. Flashbacks of that evening clouded my vision — Harry buckling Carmen into her seat, as if she was two instead of twenty-seven.

“Could I continue, ladies?’’ Marcel questioned us, and we quickly nodded — wanting him to continue his divulgence of Harry’s past. “I’ve seen Harry with practically every type of woman out there, and he acts different with each type.”

“I’ll give you guys a few examples, you look a little confused. There’s the attention-seeker, like Keeton; she wanted the attention that comes with being the arm-candy of a famous entrepreneur like Harry. She could care less about Harry’s personality, feelings, or even if he really liked her; all she wanted was fame. I was in Harry’s office when he fired her, quite amusing I must admit. She practically cried when he told her she would rot in hell for what she did.’’ I giggled, remembering Keeton’s face when she stormed out of the club. I hadn’t been in the room for the scene, but I had heard Harry yelling, and had to listen to his foul language when he found out what she did to me.

“Then we have the one-timer, like Michelle—”

‘’You know about Michelle?’’ I asked him in utter panic.

‘’Of course I do, Vicks. I have eyes and ears. I saw them walking into the bathrooms, and we all know what happens in there. Michelle didn’t have any feelings for Harry, nor did she expect anything from him; she just wanted to have sex with the boss. It was a one-time thing; they would never speak of it again.’’ Marcel said.

“And then we have you,’’ He started, a small smile appeared on his face. ''Harry is a torrent of emotions, constantly changing his behaviour — none of them particularly acceptable— but I had never seen him act the way he did with you. I’ve known Harry for a long time, and there’s not much that surprises me when it comes to him, but this was new.’’ He explained. “He was such a gentleman with you, so attentive and devoted to you.’’

“Not anymore,” I whispered.

“That’s not true,’’ Marcel snapped. “He may have ended things, but the feelings don’t just go away. He’s back into his never-ending cycle with William, and that guy can get into his head and fuck him up like you wouldn’t believe. He can manipulate Harry into doing anything he wants, it’s disgusting.”

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Where stories live. Discover now