Part 23

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The night had been relaxing and calm, they'd watched the lineup of heroes, with Endeavor obviously being number one now, they'd listened to all the speeches and watched all the cool fighting clips, everything. And eventually Kirishima had ended up falling asleep right there, his food only half eaten and his hair a f*cking mess.

The nurse had come in at some point to take Bakugou's hearing aids back since he technically wasn't supposed to have them- though he asked to keep one. "I know it's probably going to get you in a hell of a lot of trouble, but I really want to keep one of them at least." Had been what he'd said, and of course the nurse told him all about how it could cause permanent damage to his ears if he left them in for long periods of time while he had his infection.

But he already knew that. And he was willing to risk it.

Now it was barely sunrise, he was already awake, had been for a little while. He'd just been laying there, staring. Everything else in the room was blurry, because he hadn't even bothered to put his glasses on yet, but he could see what was right in front of him. Kirishima. Just sleeping. His hair was down, which made it look longer actually, it was spread around him on the pillow as he softly breathed. He'd put his hearing aid in for a little while just to listen to him breathe, to hear his heartbeat, the subtle sounds of the hospital in the morning. He closed his eyes and just /listened/. He reached up and took his hearing aid out, frowning as the noises faded away and he was left in silence. He glanced back to Kirishima; no more sounds of him breathing. No more of his gentle heartbeat. He hated that.

He clenched his hands tightly into fists, tightening his jaw for a long moment. It was so annoying. All he could think about was that he'd have to go months without those sounds, those simple sounds that made him feel- alive. A heartbeat was a sign of life, a sign that everything was ok. And he couldn't hear it anymore. It was just a silence. There was nothing. It was like everything had died, like /he/ had died and was just a ghost, unable to hear or see anything without help.

He grunted and rolled onto his side to look back at the sleeping boy next to him. He took his hand and carefully lifted it so he could see the scars along his arm from the accident.

The day of the arcade Kirishima's skin had been burnt hella badly while he was in his rock form, leaving him with a jagged pattern of normal skin and then burns everywhere else on his arm. They were faded by now, being simple scars, but he remembered how ugly they had been, how badly they must have hurt. He remembered when he first saw Kirishima, after not being able to see anyone for so long. He had come in every day after Bakugou got his glasses. He never once acted like he was in pain, and the blonde had never once paid attention to it, because he was too worried about if he was going to be able to stay in the hero course or not.

He gently intertwined their fingers and glanced up as the light turned on and then back off; the nurses' way of checking to see if he was awake or not. He slowly sat up and sighed. "He's still asleep so don't turn the light on. We can do the treatment in the bathroom." He offered quietly as he stood and moved to the bathroom. The nurse nodded and simply placed the equipment she planned to use on the counter.

"Have they said when Sura can come back yet...?" He asked, he usually asked them yes or no questions when they were doing his morning treatments, since it made it a little bit easier for both of them. The woman shook her head and frowned a small bit as she pulled on some latex gloves and grabbed a clipboard, writing something down and then showing it to him.

It seemed she had gotten a piece of paper to talk to him with.

'There's mention that they won't be letting her back. They think that she was working with the villains. She'll be at that trial you mentioned the other day.' is what was written across the paper. He huffed and raised a brow. He opened his mouth to fuss but glanced through the door to see Kirishima still sleeping soundly.

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