Part 16

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He moved downstairs, a towel hanging around his neck as he attempted to dry his ears off so that he could put his hearing aids back in. When he'd gotten out of the shower he had a text from Kirishima telling him to come downstairs when he could. So he threw on some clothes. In other words, his skull t-shirt and some simple jeans and brought himself downstairs to see Kirishima standing next to Elf, who was simply holding his head down with his hands in his pockets by the wall.

Kirishima looked up to where Bakugou was, his lips starting to move.

"Ah, one minute. I can't hear right now. My ears are wet so I can't put in my hearing aids." Bakugou said simply, watching as Kirishima nodded and looked back to Elfi, obviously explaining. Bakugou cleaned his ears out to the best of his power before taking his hearing aids out of his pocket and carefully putting them in his ears. Wincing a bit as they were echoing and static when he turned them on. He adjusted them until it calmed down and then walked over to Kirishima and the taller boy.

"You good now?" Kirishima questioned.

"Yeah dumba*s." Bakugou motioned to his ears. "What's up?"

"Amajiki is here to pick us up and take us to the proper car directly. He'll ride with us and stuff so we should be fine this time, will be absolutely sure that we're in the right car this time." Kirishima explained to him.

"I don't even have my uniform, it's still at the school from training earlier today." Bakugou grumbled. He didn't really want to go to this thing. He had to help the idiots study, and he honestly hadn't had an actual break from everything since all of this bullsh*t started.

Ever since he let the morons in and started calling them his friends, he hadn't had a moments rest.

"We can go get it then." The Elf suggested. Bakugou glanced up at him and huffed.

"Fine. I'll meet you at the front of the school. I have to go grab other stuff." Bakugou grumbled as he turned to go back upstairs.


Fat Gum was pretty much exactly what he expected him to be.

He'd seen him on the news several times, naturally. With what happened when they were saving that little kid, his face had been shown a lot. Though he particularly remembered that he was quite a bit thinner during that time.

"Fat! It's good to see you again man!" Kirishima exclaimed as him and Elf moved over to the large man, Bakugou trailing slightly behind.

"Kiri! It's good to have you back." The man replied, grinning at both of the boys before looking to Bakugou. "This is Bakugou correct? I saw you-"

"-at the sports festival. I know." Bakugou grumbled as he extended a gloved hand to the man. The pro nodded and shook his hand with a chuckle.

"So, have you learned anything about the villains?" Elf questioned, voice so quiet Bakugou could barely hear him. He turned up his hearing aids ever so slightly.

"Oh! Yes. We now have all of them in custody it seems, but not for long. We haven't found a large enough crime that will cause them to have to stay in prison for a long period of time." Fat admitted, moving over to a desk to grab a file, handing each of the three of them one.

"So far from what we know, there's ten of them, they act like family but only a few of them are actually blood related. The oldest in the group is Nora Kentor at the age of thirty-three. Her quirk is; illusions. She can alter the way the brain sees things. So she can't make something that everyone can see, she has to alter specific peoples brains at a time, so only they can see the illusions, that also seems to be the fault of her quirk." Fat explained, pointing out the image of the woman that had been driving the car that day.

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