'Sorry it took so long to ------. They were being stupid.'

Kirishima signed to him once he had calmed down a little more, nudging the other two away from him, though they just continued to sign and make stupid motions from behind Kirishima. They made kissy faces and did the stupid thing where they turned around and pretended like they were kissing someone.

"I'm going to blow their a*ses up when I get back." He mumbled aloud before he turned his focus back to Kirishima. "I don't care. I just wanted-" He paused again and glanced at the two idiots behind his boyfriend. "Go somewhere private real quick Sh*tty Hair." He ordered quitely, and watched as Kirishima dismissed himself from the other two and made his way out of the room, wandering around until he found a place.

'What's up?'

"I'm bored here. They won't let me train. I can feel my muscle fading. What's going on at school? I'm f*cking falling behind in hero work andI hate it. It's making everyone right; it's starting to make me think that I shouldn't be in the hero course. Because there's no f*cking point. And I miss you..." He paused and sighed. "And the idiots. I want to go back. I hate it here. Just... at least fill me in on what I'm missing with Hero training.." He sighed once more and then ran his fingers through his hair, watching as Kirishima took a deep breath and set his phone down so he'd have both hands to sign with.

'To start off, do you want me to sign or text?'

Bakugou was silent for a moment and then motioned for him to text, knowing it would be easier on both of them. He then watched as Kirishima moved to text the blonde rather than speak to him.

'Well one, no, you're not dropping out of the hero course. If it's needed, I'll break you out of the hospital myself so we can go train somewhere. You're too strong and manly to ever even suggest that. And to answer your question; we haven't really gotten back into another big thing in hero training, it's the same as usual, basic training on quirks, strengthening ourselves. I'm pretty sure they're waiting for you to get back before they do anything big. Or maybe they're just waiting until after tonight.~Kiri'

"My f*cking g*d that's a lot." Bakugou huffed out before he began reading over it all.

'Also I missed you too, and you're really cute when you're focused.~Kiri'

He scoffed, realizing they were still on a Facetime call while he had been reading the messages. "F*ck off." He grumbled quietly. He glanced back over the first message again, already having forgotten what it said exactly. "Tonight...?" He repeated. "Oh f*ck they're listing the top ten heroes tonight." He remembered, it was about time they did that. It would be the first time All-Might wasn't going to be on there, Endeavor taking his place as top hero... "G*d that's going to be so f*cking weird... You're going to watch it right?" He questioned, brushing off the rest of the text and instead focusing on that.

'Of course I'm going to! It's one of the biggest events ever! I'll bring over that spicy food you like and we'll watch it together. I can bring the squad too if you want to see them!~Kiri'

"Eh... just you. Maybe the others tomorrow." He grunted, tabbing back into Facetime instead of looking at their texts. Kirishima had a bright smile on his face, a gentle nod and the simple sign of 'O.k' before making a simple heart with his hands. He mouthed a 'see you later' and hung up.

He grunted and placed his phone back down feeling an explosion pulse through the ground seconds later.

He pressed his palm to the ground as he rapidly searched over the area, desperately looking for where the explosion came from.

Another vibration of the ground and finally a cloud of smoke rising from a building not too far away sprang into view.

Without hesitation he launched himself up into the sky, using a small explosion to jolt him forwards just enough to land on top of a two story apartment complex. He examined the area again, running towards the cloud of smoke. The heroes were all going to be off their game; they only had five or six hours until the listing, they would all be gathered and preparing for that. He had to at least see what it was.

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