✏| 24

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So close to the end..


"JAEMIN NO!!" Ryujin shouted, Jaemin saw how oddly suspicious the masked man was and when he stepped closer near Ryujin, he had to do something... he ran to the masked man, and they both slowly fell down the fiery canyon.

"RYUJIN I LOVE YOU!!" A loud shout was heard from Jaemin, making the girl kneel down. Tears formed into her eyes, as it fell. She clenched her fists and sobbed.

"I.. I love you as well.." She cried, making Beomgyu's heart feel like it got stabbed by a thousand knives. She loved Jaemin.. and Jaemin loved her. He truly admired the sacrifice.. but he knew that if he did it, Ryujin would save tears probably. And her and the other could've lived together happily.

"Hey.. don't give up.." a pat on the shoulder was given to him, and he turned to see Taehyun, he was showing a small smile, as the boy smiled back. He watched a how everyone was just frozen to what just happened, not only did Kai not do anything, and just stood there silently, they didn't really know who was under that mask. And the real answers to why he is against them. Ryujin then stood up, and rushed to Kai.

"K-kai.. time tr-avel.. p-please! T-there must be a- way!" She held onto him, making him back away, scared. He gulped as she pleaded on to him, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Ryujin.. there isn't another way." Chaeryeong spoke, the girl turned to him, eyes furrowed.

"B-but there must be! Kai can find a way..- Ryujin you aren't listening to me- there is! I know there is." She kept cutting Chaeryeong, making the girl sigh. She then kept quiet, realizing she didn't let her talk for once and that was Chaeryeong's cue to talk.

"I've calculated it. Either way, if there was a way, someone could've took his place. For example.. Beomgyu." Everyone looked at him, Ryujin as well. He gulped and looked down. That maybe.. could've happened. He could've done the sacrifice, Ryujin doesn't want that as well.. since she's shared her heart, to both Jaemin and Beomgyu. She loved them both..

"I.. I want to go back home." Ryujin spoke, fiddling her fingers as Chaeryeong went to her. She rubbed the back of the girl and gave her a soft hug. As she letted go, they heard panting nearby. Yuna and the others were there, walking to them.

"Oh look! Masked man gone!" Yeonjun exclaimed, as the five cheered.

"Wait.. why aren't you guys cheering? And staying quiet. The atmosphere is so.. sad." Lia asked, as Soobin nodded. Hyewon noticed that they were holding hands.. She smiled softly. Yuna then looked at everyone, and noticed someone missing there.

"Wheres.. Jaemin?" She asked, and Ryujin closed her eyes shut, refraining herself to cry once again. Yeji tapped Yuna's back and signaled to not go that far.. seeing that it wasn't a good question to even ask about. "Oh.." Yuna whispered to her and huffed.

"So.. what happens now?" Taehyun asked everyone, as they also thought about it. Is it time to.. leave everything and act like nothing really happened at all..? Ryujin can't accept that at all.

"We just move on." Yeji and Lia told him, making him nod slowly.

"I-.. actually.. I wanna stay here for a while.. I'll come back to my earth soon.." Chaeryeong admitted. Taehyun glanced at her for a second, stunned by her. A smile formed in his face without him even knowing, making the girl flustered. They all nodded, and she then began placing portals, as to where their homes are. Taehyun, Minho, Hyewon and Chaeryeong waved goodbye to them. Kai, Yuna, Soobin, Lia, Yeji and Yeonjun were chatting, and later on nodded in agreement of something.

"Yuna is going to my earth, Lia is staying to Soobin's, and Yeonjun to Yeji." Kai spoke, Chaeryeong grinned and letted them go.

"Fare well guys.." Yeonjun looked down, as the others felt sadness. After they cross the other side, they might not see each other once again. Minho and Hyewon waved goodbye, with a small frown on their faces, Taehyun hugged them all, he is definitely gonna miss them. Ryujin was looking down in the canyon, sulking to herself. Beomgyu went there, sitting beside her as they looked down.

"I'm gonna miss you Ryujin." He blurted, making her flinch. She looked at him, with mixed feelings.

"I-I'll.. miss you too.." She looked away. It's gonna take a long time for her to move on from everything that occurred. He stood up and lenses her a hand. She grabbed it and then they walked there, silently. They waved goodbye and left each.other, in different ways. Chaeryeong closed the portals and sighed.

"Thats it.. bye Minho, Hyewon.." She said to the two who were gonna walk back to their homes. They turned and smiled softly, waving back. She faced Taehyun. "Can I stay with you?" She asked and he blushed.



They were inside, it was more quiet than before.. the two jumped to the couch and stayed silent. For a few.minutes of being lost in thought, Taehyun spoke softly. "Chaeryeong.. I've been so.. scared to say this but.." He stopped, when she looked at him.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"I like you" he blurted, she was wide eyed and was staying frozen. He bit his lip, awfully nervous about her response.

"Taehyun- it's alright. I know you don't like me anyways.." He looked down. She giggled, making him tilt his head in confusion. "Huh?" She stopped laughing and faked a cough.

"Taehyun your silly. Thats what i love about you" his heart skipped a beat, and that was her answer. A big fat yes~ the two hugged and watched movies together late at night, but they still missed their friends.. actually everyone's thoughts were occupied about each other.

When will it happen.. BeomRyu's happy ending. It's a matter of time for Chaeryeong to come back home, and maybe retrieve back.


I might not be active that much.. this is really hard to say!

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