✏|My First Flight (Yeji)

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I was running to the Subway, to go to my home. It was late at night.. probably in 11.00 pm. I sat on the chair, and waited until I was there.

I heard a loud thud and as I looked back, I became unconscious. I could then hear sirens and feel someone putting me in the ambulance.

I could hear the small television in the ambulance.

"There is a secondary big bang! And some people in the Subway got hurt luckily for the others in their homes and stuff, didn't."

My mom and dad were gone anyways.. They weren't there.

As I recovered, I stayed in my loft.. watched some news. I felt a vibe in me, but I shrugged it off..

Day by day, I would feel it and I wouldn't care at all..

But then this day came, I walked to the park, for a breather.

As I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt that feeling again. I felt so high for some reason.. Like I'm light as a feather.

I opened my eyes and squealed.. not in a happy way, it was the frightened kind.. I was high in the sky, above the tall buildings..

 I was high in the sky, above the tall buildings

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I didn't know what to do.. all I could do is panick. As I kept on breathing heavily and was confused.

I began to drop..

Luckily nobody was awake that moment, it's early in the morning. Everyone are heavy sleepers I guess..

Thinking about positive stuff is what I did and I landed down safely.

As I went home, running. People eyed me for being so weird..

What if you were in my situation.. idiots.

Yes, I'm very cold. But sometimes very calm and soft to other people.

I coped with this magic powers of mine for a while.. but then I felt somewhat, lonely.

Can someone help me?

Does anyone else have some powers as well?

School was pretty tough as well, I would randomly start my flight all over again, in the rooftop.

I tried practicing it day by day and I actually controlled it for once.

Well.. it isn't bad after all!

I sat in the couch, perspiration with me. I was doing a routine with that power of mine. Well, my luck was still in and No one found out it was me.

"Wow.. I never knew I would have these kind of powers.." I sighed and looked at the clock.

I then slept for a while..

"Go! Run there!" A girl with blue hair said to me as I nodded.

We were wearing some weird clothes.. and sirens were heard.

Blue and red lights around, police cars?

I looked back seeing a lot more people.

"Come on Yeji!" A boy with blonde hair said grabbing my wrist.


I woke up from that small dream and rubbed my temples.

"What was that?"

Their stories would be shown at first, I will put some of them as partners but their not in the same Earth.

Except for Beomgyu and Chaeryeong, their in the same Earth. :))

I hope you understand and like the start, it would mostly be longer chapters once I start the real chaps, not these backstories :3

Forever my favourite mashup I've seen-

✔ ❱ CROSSROADDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora