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Another day for the ten teens to fight up against. There was another attack, it didn't really happen before but it did. Maybe the masked man thought of doing a plot. Well to further notice, after that victory of the teens, they have gotten into a harsh fight..

"Why can't you just stop complaining Yeonjun?!" Beomgyu shouted at the elder as the boy had a frown on his face.

"I have to complain! Why did we bring her in the first place? Why her?! She doesn't even have powers?!" The same fight, happened again. But this time, it was more.. complicated.

"You know what's horrible, the fact that you just judge people, who would like a judgemental ass in their life?" Ryujin stood up and Yeonjun went to her.

"What did you say?" He had that angry tone in his voice as the girl smirked.

"Your.a.judgemental.as- quiet please?! There's no need to fight right now!!" Chaeryeong shouted, for the first time in forever. Taehyun patted her back, agreeing.

"Fine, you loner. I don't even know why I agreed to this anyways." Ryujin walked out of the apartment, stomping outside for some fresh air. Beomgyu wanted to follow, but Yeji stopped him.

Right about now, Kai and Yuna were just eating in a local restaurant. They saw Ryujin pass by, and saw her expression. "Yeah. I don't think we should follow her now.." Yuna chuckled and Kai nodded. He was distracted from the girls presence, he missed it.

Ryujin in the other hand, was bluffing and mocking by herself about Yeonjun. "Powers this, powers that. Some child play he's doing." She scoffed. She hasn't even noticed the fact that she's went farther and farther of sight.

"I would've kicked Yeonjun out of the apartment Windows already. But ofcourse, Yeji. She would save the damsel in distress" she rolled her eyes and continued being clouded with emotions and thoughts.

She walked in a dark alley. "Oh. I'm already far away?" She turned around and scratched her head.

"Wow.. that's how far my thoughts were?" She walked back and then later bumped into someone.

"Sorry." She looked up and saw the masked man. She tried reaching for her sword, but she remembers she left it at the apartment.

"Ugh.. stupid me" she mumbled and then crossed her arms. The masked man did nothing but stay in the same position.

"Do you hate them?" He asked, voice low.

"Who?" She replied, but knows who he's referring to.

"Your friends." The girl clenched her fists when she thought of the fight with Yeonjun.

"I do.."

"Would you like to show them that their wrong? Do you want revenge?" He chuckled deeply as the girl nodded slowly.

"Yeah. I want revenge. I need that feeling of victory." She smirked and looked at the guy.

"Then this is how you do it." He gave a potion, and she tilted her head in confusion, is he being nice or something right now? Or is this some kind of trap. But it got disturbed by his words.

"Drink it, and that'll show their wrong." The girl gulped and thought of it..

Should she take it? Or should she not..

She shook her head, and disagreed. "No need" Ryujin tried walking past him, but he held her shoulder and vaccinated her. She didn't know what it was.. But it made Her unconscious.

She woke up, seeing that she's in a some sort of abandoned building. It was the same one as where Kai was..

"What.. where am I?" She wasn't tied. And when she looked around, she saw him in the door frame. He was still masked, and walked to her.

"Child, your planning revenge right?" He said. She didn't really answered anything. So he tried making her mad.. But for what?

"Remember what Yeonjun said. Your pathetic.. low.. powerless.. nothing like them.. that's what he meant to what he said." The said words, echoed through her. And she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

She felt something in her hands, she looked down..and couldn't believe her eyes..

There's fire in her hands...

But she didn't feel hurt...

"I have powers" she looked at him, surprised as the guy nodded.

"So, let's give that a little try." He informed and the girl agreed. She's gotten bad.. She's in the different side of the line now..

She has trained, now. Sometimes her powers just appears out of no where. Like as if she's had that transformation. That vaccine, gives her powers, But not fully. The powers may gain at her, randomly without her consent at all and she would just have to try and control it. And sometimes, she would just be a normal warrior.


"Its been 2 days, where's Ryujin?" Soobin asked and Yeonjun shot a glare at him.

"So? The weirdo probably went to the shrine or whatever" Beomgyu went to him and pulled his collar.

"Dont you dare call her a weirdo." He growled as Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

Everyone was panicking, except for Yeonjun ofcourse. Until they heard a call from down below. They all went to the window, seeing Ryujin.. But she doesn't look like herself.

Her blue unique hair, turned into brown hair, light behind.. Like fire and flames. (Or the one in the photo on top)

"Your not the only ones with powers any more" she smirked, saying from below. It could be heard, loud and clear.

"What does she mean?" Lia asked and then saw her use her fire powers to go up in the same level as them.

"There's, your answer" Yuna patted her shoulder and sighed.

"Ryujin? What's happened to you? Your so different.. But still pretty as before ofcourse.. But yeah you changed.. But ofcourse beautiful- I better shut up" he muttered to himself as Ryujin smirked.

"Continue, continue." The boy blushed as Yeonjun flicked his forehead.

"Don't be considerate, that isn't the Ryujin we know" the others know Yeonjun was being mean and rude a while ago, but he is right now.

"Well, Yeonjun. Your pretty pathetic now, I mean look where I am. And look where you are, I'm more powerful than you. I have better powers than you. Give up" she chuckled and the boy scoffed.

"Shut up" Ryujin's eyes glowed red, and she threw fire on the tree.

"Ryujin, stop! Please.. if your still in there.. please have mercy to what your doing!" Kai exclaimed as Beomgyu then added.

"Ryujin, come back to us.. to me!"

The girls hair slowly turned to blue, but it stopped halfway.

"No. No Ryujin for today, Flame is taking over this girls body for now." They looked at each other and gulped.

She then got away, making them scared as hell. Taehyun and the others sat in the living room and soobin blurted.

"What the hell just happened"

So the good news, Ryujin gained powers. But it's like Caitlin Snow, from the flash. She changes in random times, and someone will take over her body and time, as Ryujin is stuck in one part of the conscience. Flame is the girl whose taking over her, giving her powers but she's quite rude and mean.. But such a flirt sometimes.

Sorry If this is so complicated-

Ryujin, if she is in the conscience, she could talk to Flame in their same mind.Flame can hear her. And vice versa to Ryujin!


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