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Amidst all of those happening, Taehyun and Chaeryeong were finding him everywhere. But he's no where to be found at all. As they took a little break, they stayed in an abandoned apartment. Not really dusty or dirty, just the latest. They sighed as Chaeryeong placed portals in every surrounding of the room.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Chaeryeong continued. As she stopped she turned to him and exhaled. "Just putting some other portals we haven't really checked." The boy nodded and went to every portal.

No sign.

It's like that place of where he is, doesn't really exist at all. "Where could he be at all" he asked to himself as Chaeryeong walked to him, and cleansed his sweaty forehead with her handkerchief.

"Your drowning of sweat" she chuckled as he was surprisingly deep red. Butterflies in his stomach as he stared deep into her eyes, he saw her in a way, he never thought of.

Taehyun was feeling things, more different than the usual. He never felt things like that to Lia that much, so he never knew what is this feeling. He looked at the mirror nearby and saw his face, it's color red-

He then made himself invisible and escaped there as he went to the portal near. "Taehyun?" Chaeryeong said repeatedly looking everywhere.

"What.." She muttered and then saw him come back, seen. He acted like nothing happened and she thought she was just hallucinating things and all. She closed all the portals except for the one back. She mentally faced palmed herself and groaned quietly. "Why did I hallucinate about that..?" Yet it didn't really make sense.

"Lets go back to my earth." Taehyun suggested as she nodded. They walked there awkwardly quiet and appeared at the apartment.

There was Yeonjun, Yeji, Beomgyu and Ryujin going in the apartment as well. The same time as they did. Soobin and Lia followed as they saw Yuna who was still in the same position.

"Well, let's find him before everything goes horribly wrong." Yeonjun spoke with a mild cold voice as some nodded, and so Ryujin spoke back.

"I suggest we should protect the citizens and all.." Beomgyu held her shoulder and agreed. Now all were in their own sides. Yeji, Yeonjun, Taehyun and Chaeryeong were in that side.

Soobin, Lia, Ryujin and Beomgyu were in their side. Yuna was left. She didn't know what to choose, yet for her heart it was far more easier to answer. So she went to Yeonjun. The warrior gave her a shook face. "Yuna.. wouldn't you like to protect them?"

The girl sighed. "It would be alot faster when Kai is here though, and atleast he is here.." that did made a point. Yeonjun rubbed the back of his neck, and stepped forward.

"Besides, you don't really have powers to beat an apocalypse of aliens on your own" Ryujin was wide eyed. She stepped forward and gritted her teeth, as Beomgyu blocked her from doing fights..

"Excuse me?! Even if I don't have any powers and all, I can hit a thousand if you want. My combat is far better and superior than you! You use powers to help, and not lift a finger, lazy head!" She fired back and shot a glare as she left the loft. Beomgyu rubbed his temples and followed her.

Yeonjun was left, clenching his fists. "I didn't mean to say it in that way" he groaned and walked out to the balcony. "It isn't on purpose, so it's not your fault." Yeji told him as they glided their way there.

Yeonjun was there, hands on the rails. Yeji stood at the rails, and walked there like it was some sort of tight rope. "Yeonjun, don't underestimate yourself. It's alright, you guys will be cool later on." The boy lightly scoffed and looked at the now cold night sky.

"I feel so bad.. I should've been there with Kai, and should've never said that to Ryujin" Yeji sat down with ease and patted his head. "Your not the leader, your not suppose to feel that pressured." The boy looked at her with a smile in his face.

"How are you so positive always.." Yeji giggled softly and stood up once more, as she faced the sky and buildings.

"Well, when I feel sad or stressed I do this. But let me show it to you" he raised a brow and was puzzled, until she showed her hand with a grin.

"Fly with me"

the boy realised this was the one in my dream. That light de ja vu, Yeonjun held her hand and nodded. She clasped our hands as we flew around, he felt so panicky at first but in the end, he was relaxed and all. This was the best thing he have felt right about now.

Meanwhile, Ryujin and Beomgyu were walking at the side walk. Not really walking though.

Ryujin was stomping as she walked away, making Beomgyu try to get her. "Ryujin wait!" He called out but she kept walking. He saw the sky dimming with clouds and so he was wide eyed. He saw a cover rooftop nearby from a cafe and so he ran to her and held her waist.

The same time as the rain poured out.. both hearts beating fast and hot cheeks. "T-thank you.." She tucked her hair as the boy gulped.


As the rain stopped they walked eagerly back to the apartment. They met up with Yeonjun and Yeji who were having towels on their backs from their flight in the rain. The room became quiet until Soobin spoke.

"Please tell me were ok, and lets start with some groups. Those in favor of finding Kai, find them now. But few people only please. And the rest to protect" he sounded like a true leader. Everybody agreed as they started.

Yeonjun and Yeji walked to Ryujin and Beomgyu, as awkward silence filled them. "I'm sorry for talking trash" the boy showed a hand as Ryujin chuckled. "I'm sorry for talking back as well.. mine was awfully worse" the two sighed and Yeji and Beomgyu lighted things up.

"It's good guys, now let's do our job"

As Soobin walked away with Lia in the halls of the apartment, someone pulled him to a room. Lia was busy talking to him and when she looked back, he was nowhere to be found.


Whilst that happened, it was Chaeryeong who did that and Soobin was confused from the moment. "I think I am hallucinating tons, please heal me or do something" she said and Soobin raised a brow.

"Not my problem, I dont do that. I regenerate bruh." She rubbed her temples and later on they walked out, bumping into Taehyun.

"Oh, I was trying to find you. But your with.. Soobin?" Taehyun pointed at the elder as she shook her hands.

"Well, were just discussing about some sort. And why do you need me perhaps?" She asked curiously as the boy rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ermm.. portals" the girl nodded as Soobin excused himself to go find Lia in the opposite direction. As the two walked away, Taehyun looked at Chaeryeong and back to Soobin and raised a brow.

'Are they together or...'




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