Chapter 17

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Taehyung's perspective

I was still blushing as I remembered what happened just two hours ago. We fucked..

But do I regret it?? I don't, and I don't know why. It just leaves a satisfied feeling for me that he tainted me. I feel a mixed feelings at what happened earlier. A mix of anger, happiness, confusion, and disgust.

I don't know what mother would think if she knew that I've been doing this behind her back. She'd be disappointed. Or maybe worst, she might break up with mr, Jeon.. and I don't want that because they look so genuinely happy. I don't want to break my mom's heart.

"What are you thinking?" The sound of Jeongguk's voice behind me snapped me out of my deep thoughts. We were at his bed, cuddling after another session in his room. And yet I still didn't feel any regret.

"Mmm.. nothing." I said and I felt him leaving kisses on my still naked body. He gives open mouthed kisses on my shoulder up to my jaw, leaving me shuddering.

"Tell me what's bothering you, baby.." Jeongguk whispered on my ears as I pushed him away from me before facing him.

"You know this is wrong right?" I asked with a frown etched on my face. I know I looked bothered, but this.. I don't regret it. I just feel bothered. That's all.

"I know.. and I don't fucking care." He said and the last thing I know, was that he claimed my lips. I instantly melted on his arms and I kissed back. I'm sure if he kept doing this I won't be able to stop myself anymore. Should I even do this? I know it's wrong.. but it's just so tempting.

I've never had a partner like him before. The one who would dominate me in bed, the one who would grip my hair so hard, the one that will leave bruised marks on every part of my body. He was just, perfect, just the way I like it. Everyone thought that I'm just only for vanilla sex, but I've been craving for roughness since I came out.

"I-I'm still sore.." I muttered while still kissing him and he just chuckled, deepening our kiss more until he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting our abused lips.

I looked at his handsome face that just gave me a little smirk. I bit my lips cause of his sexy expression, damn, how handsome.

"If you kept doing that, I might as well wreck you tonight." He mumbled. His hands snaking on my waist as he pulled our body closer.

"E-ek! Just sleep!!" I exclaimed and hid my face on the crook of his neck. Shit! That was so embarrassing. He chuckled and hugged me tighter, feeling his own naked body beside me. He's so warm.

I closed my eyes after dozing a little bit. Maybe I should really sleep now. Goodluck to me tomorrow.

*fast forward*

Third person's POV

Morning came so quickly and the two were awoken by the sound of the blaring alarm clock. The blue haired groaned as he stood up and noticed that he was not in his own room.

He panicked but remembered what happened yesterday night. He blushed out of embarrassment as he shook Jeongguk awake.

"Hey. Kook! Wake up we have to go to school!!" He said and the other got up groggily, rubbing his face.

'He looks so good even in the morning.' Taehyung thought as he watch the ravenette got up, his naked body on display as Taehyung's eyes wided at the sight of the older's large member.

'Did I really put that inside me yesterday!?'

Taehyung got up too, noticing how sore he is as he struggled to stand up. His knees were shaking and his hole was sore. The ravenette saw the younger and he can't help but chuckle.

"Can you even go to school in that condition?" Jeongguk asked and the younger glared at him.

"It's your fault!! And no, I can't be absent today sportsfest is next week and we have to finalize our cheering." Taehyung said as he whimpered every step he makes.

"Yeah right, cheerleaders." Jeongguk snorted and the younger threw a slipper at him. The older's reflex didn't let him get his though.

"Do you have anything against cheerleaders!?" Taehyung asked, glaring at the ravenette.

"No I don't. Here I'll help you. I'll tell your captain later that you'll attend practice but you'll just watch okay?" Jeongguk said and the blue haired nodded as he let himself be assisted by his step brother.


They arrived at the school after that torture at their house. Taehyung is so grumpy because he cannot walk clearly and his step brother was only laughing at him.

"Oh c'mon tae why are you so mad?" Jeongguk asked as he watched the younger on the passenger seat, huffing while his arms was crossed over his chest.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk warns but the younger wasn't taking it.

'Hah! This is your punishment.!'

"Baby, won't you give daddy a kiss before going?" Jeongguk asked again and finally, the younger faced him. Taehyung rolled his eyes when he saw that Jeongguk was smirking and just pulled the older for a kiss.

Their lips molded together as they tasted each other's mouth. Teeth clashing every now and then. Both tilted their heads for better access as Jeongguk took the lead. He pulled on the younger's fluffy hair, tilting his head back as he bit on the younger's lip.

Jeongguk is a hungry man. He was always horny. Everyone knows that, he's a jock and he plays around.

"Nya..d-daddy.." Taehyung whined as he let the other abuse his lips. Their tounge clashing inside his mouth as saliva dripped on their chin.

Messy. So messy.

But with a last tug on Taehyung's lips, Jeongguk pulled away when they notice that his fangirls was now surrounding his car. What a bummer.

Taehyung wiped his chin while Jeongguk did the same. They fixed their messy hair and got out of the car to confront the wild fangirls.

'Ahh, I hate these girls.'

Jock's step-brother [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now