/24/ Crapshoot

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There was a gunshot. Runa realised that while she had dodged quickly enough to not die from it, she wasn't quick enough to avoid getting shot. Then again, the idiot could've just been a crapshoot.

"Don't hold a gun if you can't aim!" Runa hissed, still holding Luffy behind her. 

Luffy, ever the loving hero he was, jumped and rounded on the thugs. "HOW DARE YOU HURT RUNA!"

"Let's deal with you now, little brat," King Idiot sneered. Makino held Runa, pressing on the wound to stop the blood. 

Runa winced, "Makino-san! I need to go!"

Luffy was dragged out of the bar, kicking and screaming, while Runa was on the floor with a wound in her shoulders. Makino held her down, "Listen to me, Runa. You stay here, I'll go get help. Do not move."

"Makino-san!" Runa looked scandalised. 

Makino wasn't budging, "No, Runa. Listen to me and stay here."

"I can't! Luffy is going to get hurt!" Runa struggled. Normally, she could've broken free easily but right now, the wound on her shoulders was screaming in pain, draining her energy. 

Makino deposited her at a corner chair, "Stay."

"No!" Runa rejected. 

Makino left the bar, going to call for help or for Luffy. Runa gritted her teeth and pushed herself off the high stool. She winced, landing on her uninjured arm before stumbling out of the bar.

Like hell she was going to leave Luffy alone with King Idiot and his merry band of morons.

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