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Dean was finally home again. For the first time in almost three months, he slept in his own bed.

Sam had an extended winter break, so they could spend Christmas, New Years, and Dean's birthday together this year. Sam had come a few days before Dean was released from the hospital and wisely invested in a pull out couch for the living room. Two adult men — brothers — would not sleep in the same bed for the entire month. They were close enough.

Jess was coming too, but had to take a flight two weeks later simply because she needed to study for an upcoming exam.

Dean took a few days to rest, even though he wanted to go back to work right away. His coworkers insisted that he take a few days to enjoy life a little bit. Sam was studying mostly, and Dean insisted that he didn't need babysitting, so he went out alone.

He found his way to The Black Rose one afternoon, and sat down at the bar. Behind the bar he found a familiar blue color, pouring a drink that Dean hadn't ordered yet. "Castiel," Dean smiled.

Castiel huffed through a smile. "How could you tell?" He set the whiskey down in front of Dean, touching the glass to the side of his hand so he could find it.

Dean took a sip of the drink. "I'm not a regular, but you knew what drink I wanted." He smiled before drinking a bit more. It was the same brand he usually drank, too.

Castiel chuckled in response. "That's true," He said. "How are you?"


Castiel shrugged. He chuckled again. "Interesting."

"What was that?" Dean teased.

"Aren't you cold in that leather jacket? It's practically snowing outside," He gestured to the window with a flick of his head, seeing very few snowflakes drifting towards the ground.

Dean finished his drink, and peeled back one of the lapels of the leather jacket, revealing a thicker fleece underneath. "No," He said simply. He grasped at his cane next to him. "When do you get off work?"

"Couple minutes," Castiel answered, pouring another drink for a man a few seats away. He came back to Dean. "Do you want another whiskey?"

Dean shook his head and stood up, taking his wallet from inside his jacket pocket. He pulled out a few bills, "Here, Cas," he stretched his arm out.

Cas took the money, counted out the change and put that back into Dean's hand. "Give me a minute," He said, and walked to get the second bartender and his coat.

"Alright," Dean nodded and moved away from his bar stool. He found his way to the front door and waited by it, bowing his head and thinking about what the holidays would be like this year. He wondered if he should invite Castiel to Christmas, or maybe New Years, since Christmas is more of a family thing.

Castiel was zipping up his coat when he saw Dean by the door. His green eyes were blankly lost in thought. "Hey," Castiel said, nudging Dean's arm with his elbow. "Where are you taking me?"

Dean smiled, and offered his hand to Castiel. "You'll see," He answered. "Hold my hand, Cas." They were halfway out the door when Dean said this, and Castiel could swear he was blushing. But he obeyed and held Dean's hand, and Dean smiled and walked on.

Castiel watched as little snowflakes clung to Dean's hair, and his breath as it swirled around him. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," Dean smiled, tugging Castiel around a corner. "We're on Cherry street, right?"

Castiel looked for a street sign. "Yes," He answered. "Tell me, do you like hanging out with me?"

Dean stopped dead in his tracks, cocking his head towards Castiel's voice. He smacked his lips together before stepping forward. "I'm not going to answer that."

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