"Following... For now." I give a soft smile, and he continues on.

    "Okay, I promise you'll get it. So he has this smile, and everyone hates it, everyone makes fun of him for it, they don't enjoy it so the boy slowly loses that smile, the smile dims, and eventually he doesn't smile anymore at all, he becomes lost, and scared, and hurt by the opinions of others." He tells me, and my heart starts to warm. I've thought this exact thought about him, I remember saying something almost exactly like that to Bowie at one point, and then to him a long long time ago, how others have forced him to lose the golden smile.. I've told him how his smile is a gift to me...More than once.

    "Your smile is a gift... Is that-"

    "Yes.. Yeah, that's exactly where the idea came from, but it doesn't make sense yet hold on.." He stops me, and I wave him on, ready to fully understand this. "The reason they didn't like the boy's smile was because everyone else was always frowning, they were always angered, and set in their ways.. They always had a resting fish face." He has the dumbest grin on his face as he speaks, and my face drops. "Kinda like your face right now." He smiles wider which only makes me crack into a smirk.

    "Okay resting fish face, got it, what's next?" I ask.

    "So everyone tried their best to ignore the boy.. Which by now I'm assuming you understand will be me... So the boy disappeared, and tried to run away.. He had a place to go to, a hilltop where he was alone and... and he got rid of his.. Of his pain, and trauma by screaming into jars... That kind of refers to.. Well it's to me before I met you, keeping all of my emotions on the inside, not letting anyone hear my struggles or my pain, or anything like that.. I bottled it up metaphorically, but in the music video it wont be metaphorical." He tells me, and this whole music video though oddly set up, is a way of him letting out his story, and what truly happened to the boy with the golden smile which is kind of sweet to me, in an odd way.

    "I like that... That you're including that I mean.. That you're open enough for that." I tell him.

    "Well I learned from the best didn't I?" He asks, and I smile. "So after I scream into these jars I'll put on a scuba style helmet, but the catch is that it's gold when I go out in public with all the people who convinced me to hide my smile." He tells me, and my wheels are turning.

    "Wait let me guess.. It symbolizes the golden boy image you put on for everyone else. You hid under that golden image, and the smiling boy was hiding underneath but too ashamed to come out?" I ask, and he nods.

    "You're catching on... Okay, so I go to the ocean, and while I'm there I pick up rocks, and fill my pockets with them, ready to go into the ocean.. Of course in real life I never.. I never got to a point that dark in my life, but that will symbolize the times when I really wanted to give up.. The darkest time where I felt like it was pointless hiding but I was too fearful to break that mold and be who I had wanted to be." He tells me, and I nod, thinking back to the time when he did hide who he was.

    "I'm really liking this so far, I'm on the edge of my seat, if only I had popcorn." I scoot up, and he rolls his eyes at my sarcasm.

    "As I walk into the ocean... You're going to love this part.. As I walk into the ocean I'm stopped, but not by my own doing... A fish, a small little fish jumps out of the water, and onto a rock, seemingly in the same hopeless state I am.. In the state of giving up. I try to throw the fish back in, to give it a new start, but it seems to still struggle, and jump right back out." He tells me, and my mind is kind of a mess in the thought of this. Obviously I am the fish... This little running joke we have is now a reality, and no one will understand how much it makes sense in our lives.

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