"My name is Clarisse and I will be seeing what you little runts are good at so you can start training for that weapon. Do you understand?" The councilor said taking her time to glare at Kit and I. I hadn't seen Willow all day, but Kit had told me at breakfast that she wanted to go to the archery range early.

They had grown close last night and I was happy that they were getting along. But I knew Willow was avoiding me, I just wasn't sure why. But luckily we were going to the archery range first so I planned on trying to talk to her.

"Your nostrils flare when you're angry." I stated.

"Why you little..." she grabbed the front of my shirt and looked like she was about to kill me but she was quickly thrown off. Kit stood in front of me looking down at Clarisse's unconscious body. Two things about Kit; one, when she's mad she's like the Hulk, and two she's one of the most loyal friends you could ever have.

"What did you do to her!?" A boy with blonde hair and grey eyes asked. He put down the books he was holding and took her pulse.

"Oh don't worry James, she's not dead." The annoyance was dripping off of Kit's voice. She looked at me and then back at the boy. "James this is Arianna, Arianna this is James. James is the Athena kid that will be going on our quest with us."

"Umm... hi, do you know where the archery range is?"

He sighed. "Yeah this way, and ugh, I guess I'll send a satyr to get Clarisse." He picked up his books and began walking down a trail, he turned to Kit with a smile. "You look really beautiful today. Not to say you didn't yesterday! I meant like you look n-nice, uhhh, w-well rested and yeah. I mean, um, d-did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah pretty well, but I didn't have any books to read..."

"Oh! Well you know, i could always ummm... I could take you to our library later and show you some really good books and we could eat lunch while we're at it..."

"Sure, sounds like a plan."

I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath. If only Kit knew that he was flirting with her, and to him that probably counted as a date. I looked him over, he was attractive. He had a strong jaw, and was pretty muscular; he also had a light stubble on his jaw- it made him look dangerous, not all nerdy and nervous like he was acting.

When we got to the Archery range hardly anyone was there. I looked over at Willow she had dozens of arrows next to her and had multiple going through the bulls eye of the target that was at least one hundred yards away.

"Hey Willow!" I yelled. She looked over and gave me a small smile before going back to shooting. I sighed and shook my head.

I picked up a bow and arrow and held them up. James was talking about what to do but I pretty much blocked him out. Another good thing about being me, I'm great at blocking out the world. I aimed the arrow at the target and let go.

Five seconds later I heard a scream. The guy who had been sitting next to Eryx at campfire stood to the right of the archery range with an arrow through his foot.


"Sorry!" I yelled.

Kit took the bow from me and shook her head. "No." She said shaking her head at me.

"But can't I try one mo-"

"Ari, I think you should go to the arena and look at the swords considering you shouldn't throw anything. Ugh, I'm gonna go take Ryan to the enfirmery." With that James walked off to, well I guess his name is Ryan.

"Ryan as in the other guy we're going on the quest with. You're brother's friend?" I asked Kit.

She nodded her head. "Yup, and you just made a great first impression."

Finding Pandora (a Percy Jackson Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now