First Sleepover With Sebastian

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Sebastian came back from Malivore only to be greeted by Lizzie who did not remember him. He wanted to be in Lizzie's life. He had watched her and up until this point, he had never found the perfect time to make an impression again.

Lizzie was in the middle of gym class in her uniform. The Salvatore students had to wear uniforms for gym class. The unit in gym class was soccer. Lizzie was quite good at every sport considering all her pent up Bipolar type 2 rage. She usually got the ball and scored easily with it.

Sebastian watched as Josie passed the ball to Lizzie and she scored with it. Sebastian smiled to himself. It was a bright hot morning only he was tucked away in the confides of the woods behind the Salvatore school. He still had his daylight ring that Lizzie made for him. Alaric wouldn't let Sebastian be alone with Lizzie for very long back then. They'd just sneak around.

He moved the ring with his other hand simply fiddling with it. The torment of Malivore was awful. Malivore allowed to free him only because he knew that Sebastian was the ruthless killer of Roanoke. Malivore tormented Sebastian to the point where he could be influenced to make people do things they wouldn't normally do around him. Sebastian spent many days attached to feelings of bereavement of Cassandra. He often thought about Lizzie for weeks on end also.

He was keeping his distance because Lizzie knew him once as a better man. While in his thoughts, the ball went flying into the woods next to him. He didn't notice until Lizzie was running towards him. He watched unable to vamp speed away.

Lizzie got the ball and held it in her perfect hands. She noticed Sebastian from 1 yard away. "Hello, Elizabeth." He said. Lizzie blinked wondering if she was certainly having an episode in this very moment. "Excuse me?" She answered back. "How do you know my name?" Lizzie looked lovingly into his eyes.

She felt a deep connection she couldn't understand. She felt she met him from somewhere else. Sebastian stepped one foot closer to her. "The prison world." He muttered. "I've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you, we were once in love." He said. Lizzie opened her mouth to speak only nothing came from her lips.

Back in gym class, Josie was yelling for Lizzie. The class stopped. Josie ran towards where her sister went. "Lizzie!" Josie screamed. "This is not funny!" Josie screamed again. "LIZZIE!" Josie yelled closer. Lizzie heard this scream. "That's my sister. Uh, meet me at the old mill." Lizzie said shooting back a flirty look. Sebastian nodded.

Josie heard Lizzie talking. When she got there, Lizzie was with no one. "Are you okay?" Josie asked. "Yeah, I am." Lizzie did not lift her eyes from where Sebastian disappeared. "I just couldn't find the ball." Lizzie said losing eye contact with the place Sebastian once stood. She looked down at the ball and gave it to Josie.

"Let's go." Josie said. Lizzie ran behind her sister. The class began like usual. Lizzie couldn't get her mind of Sebastian. She knew she had one more class after this. She felt compelled to skip class. Once the class was over, Lizzie decided she would ditch class for Sebastian.

Lizzie got dressed into her school uniform of long black sleeves and a blue plaid skirt and white doc martins shoes. She ditched her last period in magical ethics. She got to the old mill and saw Sebastian sitting on the old couch. Lizzie smiled to herself. "Sorry, about earlier..." her voice trailed off. "No need Elizabeth." He said looking up at her smiling. He adored her.

He patted his lap for her to sit on. Lizzie sighed. "I don't know you." Lizzie said shaking her head. "Ah, but you do Elizabeth." Sebastian said winking. Lizzie blushed. "I-I don't." She said sarcastically. "Only monsters come from Malivore, i'm confused." She muttered under her breath. "I am most certainly not a monster, Elizabeth." He coaxed.

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