(It was just the) Calm Before the Storm

Start from the beginning

The meeting takes almost three hours but in the end, they decide to make a statement explaining Lyssah's relationship with the maknaes. They don't want to deny it and have it backfire on them later. The twins will also be mentioned in the statement. As much as none of them wanted their babies to be in the public eye so soon now they don't have a choice. Hitman Bang also bans the three of them from social media. He makes sure they know that includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, VLive, and Lyssah's fan blog. Lyssah will also be required to wear a mask whenever she goes out in public from now on. There is a discussion of security being sent over to keep her and her kids safe just in case. But she doesn't think she needs it since none of them know where she lives. Should that information get leaked then she will take Hitman Bang up on his offer for security. Right now she just wants to live her life as normal as possible while keeping herself hidden from A.R.M.Y.

Before ending the video call, Lyssah lets them watch her make all her social media profiles private and turn her DMs off on the ones that she can. She then logs out of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. She leaves her Facebook messenger logged in so she can message her friends later to explain everything to them before logging out. Hitman Bang agrees to allow that as long as she promises to log out afterward. After that everyone leaves to give TaeKook a few minutes to talk to her and say goodbye. They try to reassure her as much as they can before saying goodbye.

They say goodbye once again before hanging up. Lyssah then goes into her Facebook messenger and leaves a message in the group chat explaining everything and telling her friends they can text her if they want to talk to her or check on her since they all have her phone number anyway. She then logs out of messenger, puts her phone on her bedside table, sets her laptop on her desk, and tries to get some more sleep before her kids wake up for the day.

Alex lets her sleep in and makes breakfast for everyone before going back to packing and cleaning. When Lyssah wakes up its almost 11 A.M. which surprises her since she hasn't slept that late in quite a while. She gets up, eats breakfast, then texts Taehyung and Jeongguk to tell them goodnight since she knows they'll be going to bed soon. She then goes through the texts from her friends, responding to each of them before starting her day. She's too tired from her sleep schedule being messed with to do too much but she does manage to get some cleaning done. She tells Alex what happened and what is being done about it so he knows to be careful when he goes out just in case. She also makes sure to order extra masks because she only has one and it would be nice to have extras plus some for her kids as well.

In the evening Charity calls her to see how she's doing and how much process she has made with packing and cleaning. She is nearly done, only really having the stuff they use and their clothes left as well as a few odds and ends that they can't really pack until moving day. They talk for a while about what is going on and how it is being handled. Charity also tells her about BigHits statement on it and the fans and netizen's reactions to it. Fans are angry and going off with a lot of hate toward her. Most are saying she seduced the maknaes or that she is just using them. There are threats made towards her and the babies which she makes sure Sejin knows about immediately. There are netizens wanting Taehyung and Jeongguk to leave BTS. But everyone had already agreed that this was not an option. BTS wasn't BTS without them. It was a lot to take in but Lyssah had known when she started dating them that if the public found out there would be a shit storm. All she could do was keep her head down and try not to get noticed or recognized when she went out. She wasn't going to stop living her life because of this. She was just going to be more careful while doing so.

One week later...

The whole world was still talking about her and the maknaes. Not that she was surprised. She knew the fans and netizens weren't going to let it go that quickly. The threats and hate had died down after BigHit had made a statement saying they were adding any hate and threats made towards Lyssah and the twins to the list of things they would press charges for. They had already proven that they didn't take threats and hate toward BTS lightly so everyone knew they were serious about this as well. This did not mean that there weren't any of them made toward her or the babies or even Taekook. It just meant the people making them were more careful about when and where they said them.

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