Chapter 15

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Sometimes my heart beats so hard, it feels like my whole body shakes with each heavy thump. The shaking of my body almost reminds me of speakers blasting music at parties, so loud the music penetrates and vibrates down to my bones.

 Sometimes, my body quivers when I focus on the exaggerated beat of my heart. Every thump, thump, thump makes it hard to focus on much else.

Sometimes my heart is so loud, each beat is a thundering weight pounding against the ribs that encases it, as if crying for a release from it's imprisonment. After crying for it's release, my ribs ache, an ache so intense I wonder if they really tried moving to release the thundering pounding from it's prison. 

If a heart could weep or scream, this thundering heart would surely scream thousands of cries, voicing it's rights for freedom that were so cruelly swept away.  If this heart that could thump so heavy to shake my being could weep, it would weep for every injustice and wrong that has been done, against itself and others. 

If a heart could speak, would this heart speak the love and peace it so deeply craves or would it parrot the words that the world had taught and thrown at it? Would this heart speak the love it pursues to learn and create, just as it longs to do, or will this heart leave a path of destruction out of fear, just as it has done before?

This thundering heart that so often finds itself pounding away in it's cage of bones, that so often weeps at the cruelty of others and overworks itself to protect others from the cruelty it bled from oh so many times. 

Labyrinths are hundreds of time easier to navigate than the mind of this roaring heart that can't handle even the smallest of confrontation before thundering and pounding against the calcium filled cage. This silly heart calls for justice, for a rebellion against those whom hurt those that this heart longs to protect most, and yet, this silly heart is too weak to fight those who hurt others.

This silly heart trembles against the face of those who can make others bleed, trembles so fiercely it's laughable. And yet, no matter how much this silly heart trembles and shakes, it still stands and fights. It still stands and fights because it knows what it means to thunder and cry against injustice only to hear to reply or to be shrugged off. What a silly, thundering heart.

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