Chapter 7: Reopening The Mainframe

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It had been a full day and Gavel had not gotten used to how this world's layout was structured.It had been an interesting experience to figure out how to navigate in a world meant for people with wings. It had gotten so hard that gavel had asked for a room on the base floor of the alkinist ship so that he could walk without worrying of falling off a ledge.

Though It was hard to navigate anywhere, it was comforting to note that the Alkinist built their ships with non flying passengers in mind, the ships had that base level for that reason alone and this was evident by how flat it was. Gavel looked around his shared room that he was in noting that this world of Winged Ones clearly had it's own strangeness in even the subtle things. For example in every golden brown room there were high perches for Angeloids to survey the room. The room gavel was in had wing die and the things on the menu were clearly food for literal birds. Clearly He and Eden would have to get used to any curve ball the world had to offer just to survive. Gavel stepped out of the bathroom as he readied for his day. A knock came from a nearby door.

"Who is it." Gavel asked with a surprised look on his face.

"It's nobody you know. Yet! But we will soon be acquainted." A strange voice came from the other side of the door.

Gavel went to answer the door but before he got there the purple winged blue haired Angeloid with an Alkinist uniform on already let herself and her two Valkyrie Guards in. The Valkerie guards had the grey armor on and wore grey cubes by there side.

"Sorry, I am kind of busy right now. I have business to attend to. Rain check though, ok." Gavel lied as the lady just shook her head.

"Gavel, It's not like you to lie to me. Why don't we just cut through the bull. You have no clue of where you are or why you are here. So you really don't have any business partners or friends here. That is for sure. In fact you are at a loss for what to do from here." The lady said and then introduced herself as Jamin Ariel.

Gavel got a frustrated look on his face as he sat on a nearby ottoman. "Sorry, you have me at a disadvantage Ms. Ariel. You seem to know a lot more than I do. The thing is though I really don't have the time." Gavel offered.

Jamin just got a serious look on her face and ordered the two guards to stand outside. After the two guards left Jamin opened a command console like the one that Gavel had opened earlier. "Command search. Gavel Honor." She said as the floating screen turned into a purple dot of light that had digital code running through it. As it did so It gave off white noise as Gavel grew curious to what Jamin was up to. As Gavel examined the purple floating ball f light a beam of energy shot out and hit him. Gavel ran his hand through the beam of light to check if it was for real.

"Jamin Infinity Search. That would be the name of the program that we used to search for things in the Eden mainframe computer.' Gavel said and then looked over at Jamin who just nodded and did a small waved.

"That would be me. It didn't take you very long to figure it out this time. I mean the first five hundred you didn't believe me at all." Jamin said as Gavel sat in a nearby chair.

"So you have fuzed or are the search function of the Eden Computer. Good to know. Got any good tips on where a local jetpack dealer is." Gavel joked and then frowned as he looked into Jamoinseyes.

"Yeah about that, there are very few non flying species left in this universe so coming by such things are hard now of days but as you said, rain check, because we have more important to talk about." Jamin ominously pointed out.

'I am not sure if I should trust you. Really guess I have no choice. So what is this business we have miss." Gavel said as he looked into Jamins eyes.

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