After another hour or so the film finishes and as the end credits come onto the screen we all sit in silence and we all finish eating our snacks.

"I feel like a whale" says Brittany as she leans back rubbing her stomach and Lucas comes and sits next to her, "you look like a whale"

"Excuse me?!" She says and he tickles her, kissing her cheek as she kicks and giggles to which he tells her he was joking.

Smiling at their flirty banter I put all the empty packets of food into the bin by Aaliyahs desk and I yawn feeling tired and full.

"I'm off now" I announce and they all look up at me and nod, "see you tomorrow" they all say and I we hug each other

"Thanks for this Aaliyah" I say feeling happier than I did a few hours ago and I'm glad me and Grayson actually made eye contact with each other.

Arguing with your friend isn't the best thing

"Welcome" she smiles hugging me and I pull away after a few seconds also hugging Loren and Brittany.

I leave Aaliyahs house full from unhealthy greasy food but I'm hoping that has released the tension from me and Grayson.

I mean I won't just breeze past what happened in the hallways today but from his point of view things must be confusing.

My Uncle's car flashes and I get in turning the key into the ignition and I drive away listening to my Spotify playlist in the background.

When I reach my house all the lights are off and I shut the car door hearing it lock as I open the front door taking off my trainers.

I peek my head into the living room and see my Uncle still awake with a glass of red wine in his hand as he watches some sort of cooking show.

"Hey!" I say poking my head in and he turns around to smile at me, he ruffles my hair and puts his wine down.

"You okay?" He asks me and I nod passing his car keys to him and he thanks me with a yawn and leans his head back.

"You should go bed, you look very tired" I say to him and he nods finish off his wine and rubs his face with his hand.

"I will sweetie, but did you have fun at your friends?" He asks me and I nod smiling

"Yeah I did, goodnight" I say realising that's it's ten o'clock so I decide to have a shower and head to bed.

After my warm shower where I ponder over everything that has happened today and I sigh as the warm water drips down my dirty body.

Opening my mouth and closing my eyes I let the water come into my mouth and I imagine Mr Romano in the shower with me.

Every time I think about him my heart accelerated and I feel my privates throb with need, I'm such a naughty seductress

But I know he likes it

I get out of the shower and dry myself off rubbing in my favourite body lotion that smells like sweet lavender and coconuts.

I get into my oversized pyjama top and tie my hair up into a ponytail and grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth.

I hear my phone bing and I go to my room and check it to see that Aaliyah has text me so I open it,


Hey! Sorry to wake you! But Grayson has this motorbike racing thing tomorrow, do you want to come with me? xx


Hi! You didn't wake me, I was just brushing my teeth :) I can go tomorrow if you like? Is it illegal racing though? xx


No he's racing with his gang, it will be fun and Loren and Brittany are busy so don't leave me hanging please :( xx


Ok where do I meet you? xx


Outside my house, six ish xx

I put my phone down and spit out my toothpaste in the sink wiping my mouth and I head into bed not sure if Grayson will want me there but to hell with him.


yes I dropped some Mean Girls references in this chapter so sorry if you haven't watched the film ;)

jason is such a skeez~ Regina George

subversivej added me into a writing group chat and I've made so many friends and everyone is so sweet like 🥺

My insta- emilysophia_xox
My sc- earblaster16
My pinterest- Emily Sophia
My Wattpad- aestheticfoods
X. X. X. X

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