the reunion

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It had been three months since Nate broke up with Rebecca. She was devastated at first. She used the time to get closer to the lord. She stayed on the worship team. She did business with the lord. She surrendered things she had insisted on maintaining control over. It was a growing time.
She realized that she felt connected to the pastor matt. She followed him from afar. she would check up on his social media pages. On occasion, she listened to his sermons.  She prayed for him.  
She did not want to date him on the rebound. She decided to wait. She wanted the right moment. She did not want to date anyone else ever again. She wanted this to be it. She wanted Him to be "the one"
She decided that it was time. First, she needed to talk to her dad. She came into her dad's office. "Daddy, can I talk" She Asked. "Sure honey comes on in.' her dad said. She came and sat down. " what's up?" he asked.
"Dady I would like to date the pastor." She said. Since the pastor at the church they were attending was in his fifties maried with kids and grandkids, she assumed he meant matt. "I am not surprised. I figured that you two were heading in that direction," he said.
"Can I have your blessing to reach out to him?" She asked. "Of course. I felt bad how things went down. We were very close before everything went sour.  Let him know that he does have my blessing to pursue this." He said.
" dad I will. He may want nothing to do with me." She remarked. "Somehow I don't think that will be the case," he said. She hoped he was right.
"I wanted to reach out to him. I had not done that yet," he said. He hoped that this might help mend fences between the two.  
After class, she drove to her favorite coffee shop. She ordered a lot of donuts.   She had found the pastor's cell phone number from the old directory that they had. She hoped that he still used this number. She had put the number she had in her contact list. She put a pàstor matt as her contact name. 
She took a deep breath and she opened the text message platform. "I have a but load of donuts and you can have as many as you want but you have 20 minutes to get hear or I will start eating them. " she wrote. She looked over the message and then she hit send. Then she waited.
Matt and their girls have gone to a playground. They hAd gotten into the van when the text came in. He quickly wrote back. "Who is this?" He texted. The text came back. "You know who this is. " she wrote. "Can I bring the girls?" He asked in the next text. "Unless you want to eat three dozen donuts by yourself. " she texted back. "Ok. We are on our way," he said. "You want coffee? " she asked. "Can I get an ice cover three creams three sugars?" He asked."it will be there waiting for you. "She said. He thanked her.
"Girls we are going to have donuts with miss Rebecca," he said. The girls smiled. They looked forward to seeing her especially Lindsey and Emmi. 
Within a short time, the pastor and the girls came in. They sat down. "It is good to see you, Rebecca," he said.  "Call me Becky," she said. "Ok." He said. He sat down.
"Look before we talk, we need to talk," she said. "I understand. That's fine." He said. "What happened, that I never happen again. My baby sister was in the room when the shots took out the window. My little brother was in the room. You can't engage trolls. Not once. No incitement. You do that even once I am gone. I am making a call to d.h.h.s as well. That can never happen again. Not even once. I never want to be in that situation ever again.  Do you understand?" She asked.
"I do understand," he said. "I know you enjoy conflict. Those who live godly shall we persecuted. I agree. That was not living Godly.  It was callous and reckless. " she said.
"I know. It scared me too. It got out of control because of me. I have honestly learned my lesson. I am so sorry. " he said.
"I just need a toy to understand my position. I agree with the Bible that a wife is to submit to her husband. Please protect me and love me. Don't leave me up a creek without a paddle!" She pleaded.
"I won't. I understand my role as a leader and protector. I know I lost sight of that.  " he said.
"I wanted to make my position clear on that. I think it's important we hash this out," she said. "I agree. I understand where you coming from. I do agree with you. " he said.
"Please tell me that you really understand. That you're not just saying that to get what you want. Nothing irritates me more than explaining something and the other person agrees and does the very opposite. " she said.
"I really do get it," he assured her. "Ok good. I really felt that this had to be said," she said. "It definitely needed to be said. Your right," he told her.
"Ok. Now that the unpleasantness is out of the way, we can talk," she said. "Oh good," he said.
"I was interested in you back when we attended the foundation Baptist church. I was playing coy," she said. "I suspected as much," she said. 
"When I have first met you, I was blown away. I found you intimidating. You're tall for one thing. What are you ten feet tall?"  she asked "6.2," he said.
"I am 5 foot three," she said. He chuckled. "You're very imprecatory." She said. "That is true," he said. "You're overpowering.  It scared me. You were hungry. You were the predator and I was the prey. I was not ready for that.  I do like you. I liked you then. Things were going so fast. I needed to slow down. We needed to slow down. Then everything happened.  " he said.
"For all my faults, I am a caring person. I will provide for your financial and spiritual and emotional needs. I will comfort you. " he said.
"All I want is for you to be there for me. I want you to hold me. I want you to love me. Everything else is secondary to that. " she said. "I can understand that. I will show you, love," he told her.
She feared he was just saying that. She was afraid he was manipulating her. She knew he cared about her. He wanted to believe what he was saying. She feared that was so afraid of losing her that he would say anything. She hopes she was wrong.
She really believed that he was capable of so much love. She did believe he had loved his first wife. She believed he loved his kids.
She did not know if this was some kind of created development. Perhaps she was wrong about him. Perhaps she misread him. She hoped she had.
"You will be loved," he told her. "Good. I am glad," she said. "I really missed you. I thought I had lost you forever," he said. "There is an old saying of you love something set it free if it comes back to you, it is truly yours. I came back. I don't want to leave this time.  " she said.
"Are you considering marrying me?" He asked. "Yes, I am. I know you are not one to casually date.  I am not either. I want to work towards marriage. " she said.
"Excellent. I do too. I like you form the very first moment I met you. " he said. "I know you did. It took me a bit longer but I really like you. I want this to work. "She said.
" Are you willing to be a housewife?" He asked. "Yes, I am. I always planned to be a stay at home mom. I took college cases as a full back in case I did not meet a suitable spouse.  I do love learning.   Do you want more kids?" She asked. "I would like more kids. Do you want kids of your own?" He asked.
"I definitely do.  I want our Union to produce kids. I believe procreation is a part of God's design for marriage. I want to be a mommy. I will love your kids as my own. I do want a child I carried. " she said.
"I totally understand. You will be a wonderful mommy I can tell," he said. "Thank you. You are a wounder day. I love watching you interact with your daughters.  " she said.
"So do you want to go on dates? " he asked her. "I do. I like that" she said. "Do you want to go out with diner on Thursday. I am pretty sure I can get a baby sister," he said. "I would love that. If you can't I am pretty sure I can get my sisters to watch them," she said.
"I think this will be really good," he said. "I do too. oh, my dad knows I am hearing. He gave his blessing for us to talk. He is supportive of our potential relationship. I hope you don't have any hard feelings towards him. He was just scared for his family. " she said
"No hard feelings. I adore your parents. I am thrilled to have his support. " he said. "I will let him know that. I am glad to hear that," she said.
"This is was a difficult time for all of us. It has passed " he said. "Yes it was and yes it is over now," she said.
After a while, they got up to leave. They gathered up the trash. "You can take the donuts home. I will never eat all of those." She said. "Thank you so much. This meant more to me then you could ever know. Life was not quite the same without you " he said. There was a tear in his eye.
"Life was not the same without you matty." She said.  She picked up EMI. She held the hand of Lindsey. He held Chrissy's hand. They walked to the van.  The van door opened. The kids pilled in. She helped get the kids into there seats. She said goodbye to the girls. He closed the door.
She gave him a great big hug. He did not let her go for a few minutes. She held on to him. "I am not letting you get away this time. " he said."i am not running away this time. "She said.
She got into the car. They both drove away.
She drove home. She parked the car. She got out. " I had a great time. The pastor still considers you a close friend. He was thrilled you gave your blessing." she said. "I am glad to hear that. " her dad said.
She could not believe what had happened today. She was excited to begin her journey with Matt. She did not feel like she was the same person who walked into the coffee and donut shop.  She suspects that he was a different person as well. They were on a journey to becoming a family.
Next up.
Matt and Rebecca go on a date.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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