the bbq

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Much to Rebecca's chagrin, their family continued to attend the church. Her dad seemed to like the church. She did not understand why. They seemed to talk a lot.  
"So the next start day is a bbq at my home. I have a grill. I got plenty of food. If you want to bring your own grill, go ahead and bring it. If you want to bring your own food,     your welcome to. We have a volu ball net and basketball hoop. We have a big yard. It is just going to be a day of fellowship. " the pastor said.
"Oh no! She thought, there goes my Saturday. " she did not understand why they were attending hear. Her dad seemed to like the church.  Mom did not really say one way of the other in her opinion. She deferred to her husband on this. 
She wanted to have a good attitude. She wanted to like the church.  She wanted to see what her dad saw.
"We can have a sing-along by a campfire and we will have our famous NIV burning. " the pastor said. "Oh yay!" She thought. Book burning that's original.  He was making it hard to keep an open mind.  It did not seem to phase her dad. She did not know why. 
She did not really think about Saturday during the week. Then Saturday came. She woke up. She realized what day it was. The day she was dreading was heard.  She did not want to get out of bed. Maybe she could just stay in bed. She knew that she could not do that. She laid in bed for a few minutes. Then she finally relented and got out of bed.  
She wore a tank top and shorts. She threw on a bathrobe. "Morning honey. Coffee is on. " her dad said. She got coffee. She got coffee.
"Today is the big day!" He said. "It is indeed," she said.   The baby was in her high chair. She made noises and her sister giggled. She kissed her forehead. Her mom got up. Her dad hugged her mom. 
After breakfast, she got dressed. She put on a green t-shirt, denim skirt, and black leggings. She put on shoes over her bare feet. She was nervous. 
Everyone was ready to go. Becca picked up the baby. She smiled at her sister and her sister smiled back.   Her siblings pilled into the van. Her dad held her mom's hand and helped her on to the van.  She put Gracie into the car seat.
She took a deep breath. She was really nervous about all this. A day at the pastor's house. It was a quick drive from the home to the pastor's property.  She wished that it was a long drive.  The van pulled in. There were several vehicles already there several grills we're set up.  The pastor greeted them. He wore a black t-shirt that has the logo of the church and jeans. She had never seen him wear jeans. She did not think he was an unattractive man. She wished he was not so uncouth. She wished that he was more pastoral.  
He smiled. He greeted Rebecca's family. He greeted Rebecca."hi Becky. "The pastor said. " hello pastor. "She said. Chrissy Lindsey and Emmy greeted 'miss Becky ' as they called her. She found the kids charming. He did have cute kids.
Her younger siblings played with his kids. they threw the soccer ball around. Several of the men were grilling.  Several lades we're chatting. She felt really out of place. 
After a while, the pastor gathered everyone together. He prayed for the food. " bec do you want hamburger hot dogs?" The pastor asked."one of each?" she asked. "Do you want two of each? We have plenty. I bought burgers and hotdogs by the pallet.  I am only somewhat exaduating!" He told her.   "I can believe that." She said."you like hamburgers and hotdogs? "He asked. " I do," she answered.  "I was afraid you were a vegetarian or a vegan?" He asked. "No, not at all. I like vegetables but I like to meet too." She said. "Academia has not turned you liberal?" He remarked "no it's not. " she said "good." He said.
She took her plate and sat down. The conversations all involved fundamentalist church, evangelicals, music, Bible versions.  She was not enjoying the conversations. She did not totally disagree but she found them mean.  
He came over after a while.  "How is the food?" He asked."really good. "She said. " good," he said. "Is it necessary to be against everything or to voice opposition to everything?" She asked. He laughed."i dont voice opposition to everything. If the matter rises, I address it.  "He said.
" ok. Maybe expressing opposition is not the best tact. He  who triumphs knows when to fight and when not to fight!" She said. "Maybe! This will not stop. False doctrine, funky doctrine, misunderstandings will keep coming. Those opposed to morality won't stop. It won't stop.  " she told her.  "Oh ok," she said.
Some of the ladies brought Desert. Rebecca was stuffed. Everyone insisted that she have dessert so she did.she had a little. 
A game of volleyball was set up. She played on the opposite team of the pastor. They got pretty competitive. Her team won three games to his team's two. she was certain to mention that fact to him.
Her mom did participate .she liked sports. She had been very withdrawn lately but did join in. Everyone was glad to see that including Becca. 
After a while, the pastor announced that it was the time for the n.i.v burning.  Piles of NIV we're put on the bond fire.  "Book burning is very controversial. Even in fundamental circles.  The n.i v is not a Bible version, it is a perversion. It is a distortion.  It outs into question the word of God. Either it omits or footnotes them.  This is perverse.  This is not the word of God.   In acts believers brought magic books, they were burned. The NIV is more dangerous then harry porter or twilight. This shows how serious we are. We are to not to wish falSe prophets God speed. The NIV is a false prophet. " he declared.
There was clamp, cheers, and amen. Lighter fluid was put on the books. The fire was lit.  She really did not like this.
There was a hymn singing time. Many brought gutters or electric piano. She did enjoy the singing time.  "Bec, want to play one on one with me?" The pastor asked. "Alright. I am going to kick your but!" She said "pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Your welcome to try." He said /"now who is being prideful," She asked. he chuckled. "You got me there bec!" He responded.

They played four games. She won three times, he won once. "The old man needs to rest!" He said. She laughed. "Did I wear you out?" She asked. "A little bit," he said. The kids came over. Chrissy sat on her lap. "I made your dad tired." She told Chrissy. Chrissy giggled.
"I get the impression that you dont fully support the decision to attend g.b.c?" The pastor remarked. "I have attended king James only fundamental churches all my life. This one is different from the other ones I have attended. You're very blunt. You go.out of your way to being confrontational. You want a reaction. " she said.
"You dont think a pastor should confront?" He asked. "I did not say that.  The word is out of season right now. It's unavoidable. There is confrontation and then there is picking a fight. " she said.
"You think that is what I do? pick a fight?" He asked. "Sometimes," she said.
"You think I am uncouth?" He asked. "A little bit. You discussed baby poop for no apparent reason," she said. "I am not cultured. Never claimed to be," he said. "It's distracting. It takes away from your mission which I assume is to preach the gospel And the whole console of God?" He said. "Yes it is," he said.  "Maybe tone it down a bit," she said. " I will give it some thought," he said. "Did Leah mind your preaching method? I am sorry I should not have brought her up." She said. "No, it's ok. She liked my overall preaching but thought I went a little too far at times,  " he said.
"You must miss her tolerably!" She said. "Not a moment goes by that I don't. So much of her in the girls. They are a happy reminder of her. Lindsey was a mama's girl. " she said.
"I really wanted to check out free Lindsey.  I did not. I was curious. " she admitted. "I would not mind if you did.  I am open book with you bec. No surprise. " he said. "Thank you for that." She said.
"The free Lindsey forum thinks that I am ruining Lindsey's life. They hope she rebels in her teenage years. They hope she abandons me and Christianity. They see a spark in her. They called on me.   Spent over two hours with them. They concluded nothing out of the ordinary. I had to explain things to my deacons and to my neighbors. Then there was an anonymous call that I was selling drugs at my house. The police determined it was untrue. " he said.
"How did that start?" She asked. "My sermons are on youtube and I have a podcast. I made a comment about the minimum wage. It fired them up. Then they saw her picture. They wanted to ' liberate ' Linz form my oppression.  " he said.
"Are you concerned that they might harm you or the girls?" She asked."no they are harmless just annoying. Most of them live in the pacific northwest. They are all talk. The ringleader is in a wheelchair with spine abithada. I am not too concerned.  "He said.
" what do they say?" Rebecca said. "They spread conspiracy theories about me. There is one that Leah commits suicide. I assure you that she did not. There is some that Leah was murdered. The suspects include me, the church, the mafia, liquid, Catholic Church et. There is one that it was a mercy killing. They think her pregnancy caused her aneurysm. They came I knew that she was susceptible to aneurism and insisted she get pregnant because I used her as a baby factory.  I check it sporadically just in case. I don't put much stock in it. " he said.
"I find it a bit scary," Becky said. "It is a bit," he said. "I was not sure how she died. " she said."it was an aneurism. It was a ticking time bomb. It could have gone off at any time. Having babies did not make any difference.  I am convinced that the Lord wanted the girls born. Leah loved the girls. I am making a scrapbook for each of the girls. I have collected pictures. I have some beautiful pictures of Leah and Chrissy.  " he said.
"You sure your ok talking about this? " she asked. "Yes, I am. You're a very kind person bec.  i am comfortable talking to you about it. " he told her. "Thank you," he said.
After a time, things started to die down.  Rebecca 's family decided to head home. They thanked the pastor for the day. They went home.
Rebecca had a difficult day. Everything she believed about the pastor was turned upside down. She started to question what she believed about him.
"Becca, you ok?" Her dad asked. "I think so. Just thinking about the pastor," she said. "What about him?" Her dad asked. "I am just processing things," she said. "Ok," he said. 
Next up
The pastor becomes more a part of there lives. They get more involved in the church.  The pastor asks Rebecca out on a date but she declines.

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