The young lady

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Rebecca was not exactly impressed with his preaching.  It was not bad. She found him very condescending and agent. She tried to be open-minded. She tried to keep her mind open. She wanted to give him a chance. She wished he was not so mean.
She agreed gospel message should not be altered. She agreed with the concept of the message. He did faithful exegete the passage. She did not like the tone. She did not learn some things regardless.
She was glad when he concluded the merge. He closed in prayer. There was A church dinner following the service.     The pastor invited everyone to attend. Rebecca hoped that his dad would not choose to stay. "We should stay for dinner!" Her dad said. She was very submissive. She would not question her dad. "Sure," she said. Her family agreed.
The pastor saw her form a distance. He wanted her to be his wife. He was a widower. He had small children. He was determined that she would be his wife.  He was the type of person that if he was determined to make something happen, it would happen. 
He had his two-year daughter in his arms. He came over to them.
"Hello, I am pastor mathew burton. People call me pastor matt. This is my emmi my youngest. " he said.
Rebecca's dad introduced himself and his family. He shocks their hands.  He stopped when he arrived at her hands. Her dad introduced her to Rebecca. "It is really good to meet you, Becky," he said.
She was surprised that he called her Becky. She did not object to being called Becky. It was surprising.  He was definitely not shy.  She was not sure what she thought about his boldness.
He seemed hungry. He was hungry for her. She was not accustomed to that. She was not sure how she felt about someone being hungry for her. He was attractive. He was fit. He was not buff but he took care of his body. He kept put with appearances. He did not go overbored but was she maintained his hygiene.  He was well dressed. His suits we form second-hand stores but he did not look like a hobo. 
She was not comfortable with how she looked at him. She did not think he lusted after her but he did not seem appropriate.
He did find his youngest daughter very cute. She had heard that he was a widower but did not know the details. 
"Have you attended baptist churches before?" pastor matt asked."we just moved to the area. We usually attend fundamental Baptist churches. "Her dad said. " I hope that you will consider our church. "He said.
"you're invited to stay for the diner!" he said. He smiled in the direction of Becky. Her dad said that they would stay. He was glad to hear that.
The dinner was held downstairs in the church fellowship hall. Rebecca did not understand why her dad chose to stay for dinner. That was not like him.
The pastor gathered everyone to the front. He prayed for the meal. There was a two teared receiving line.  They found a table and sat down. Rebecca felt uncomfortable. She tried to stay calm. She felt like she had crossed over to the twilight zone. It was really odd. 
The pastor and the girls came over to where Rebecca and her family were sitting. She was really hoping that they would not sit there. "Who is this?" Her mom asked about the kids. "This is my daughter Lindsey, Chrisy and you met Zoe," he said. Her mom greeted the girls. 
"So Becky are you in college?" The pastor asked. "Yes, I am taking classes  at the community college.  "She said. " I am glad your living at home. I am not a fan of colleges or universities. "He said.
" you do not believe people should go to college?" She asked. "No, I do not. I call them chlamydia university. They teach common liberal ideology and spread s.t.d.  you get claptrap and the clap." He said. Several church members laughed. His church members enjoyed his comments.
"Do you support bible colleges?" Rebecca asked. "No, I do not. I call them cemeteries. Bible College is not biblical. They encourage denominations. Usually, young people go off to Bible college and never come back. If they are called to the mission field that's fine. I want to keep them hear unless they are going to the mission field. I want young people in my church. I believe young men and women should stay with there parents until they mary. ' for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife'. A man leaves and cleves. A young woman should not leave her parents until she marries. We do not believe that young ladies should live with other young ladies. Dinah was raped while visiting the daughter of the land.  She was not where she was supposed to be. " he declared.
Rebecca was not sure how she felt about his bluntness.  He was almost too bold. Telling it like it was one thing but this was way over the top.
"Oh ok," she said. "You are fine. You are still under your parents," he said. Rebecca was happy when they went home.  They put the little kids down for a nap.
Rebecca was really hoping her dad would keep looking. There were other independent fundamental baptist churches in the area. She hoped that he would pick A different church.  To her shock, he announced that they would be going to the evening service.    She wanted to forget about this church.
She would not question her dad. She would honor him and his decision.  Her dad was a businessman. He went to college. He believed in education. She was surprised that he would consider attending a church like this.
The pastor smiled when he saw Becky and her family. 
"This morning I preached on the old paths. The old paths are called the good way. We are to ask for the old paths.  Why old paths? What is wrong with new things? We like things that are new. New house, new car. There is the old saying 'out with the old, in with the new.' Old is considered obsolete, musty. New is seen as hip. We gravitate towards the new and want to shun the old. people say 'we got to get with the times. "
"Why the old paths? Why this obsession with old things. God is a God of order. We see tremendous order and structure to the creation. In genesis, on this day he created this and this then the next day he created this. There is order, there is a system, there is a structure.  God always does things with order and structure.  Line upon line, precept upon precepts.  " he said.
"God built on prior teachings. The Bible builds on itself. God reveals doctrines in seed form. They build on those seeds. The old paths are is building .it is line upon line, precept on precepts. It is the fruit of that structure. The Bible commands us not to remove the ancient landmarks. We are to hold the line. We are to preserve the structure the Lord has set up. This is his structure, his landmarks.   "
"What is wrong with new? Why are we so agents the new?  Are we just old we cling to the past because we are just old fashioned stick in the minds? Do we just do not want to change? Do we just not like change? "
"When they say new, they mean different. They want to do that witch is different from the standards set in the past. The need for something new is a rejection of the old. The new implies we did something wrong. They insist the old paths were a mistake. New is better. They insist the old oaths we're defective. "
"How can they be defective? God calls them the good way? a good way to be defective? It can't. The old paths are tried and tried. The old paths work. Why reject the old paths? The old paths have standards.  These standards forbid what these wackos want to do. "
"The queers want their queer orgeys the trays want to show off there drag. The abortionist wants their death factories.  They want their sin. The old paths prevent their sins. There is a barrier that must be removed."
"Churches are starting to get weak need. They feared people abandoning them. They fear to lose the offering money. It all for the benjamins. Filthy luxury. Cash rule everything around me. Dollar bill ye.we can't lose the tights and offers. Other churches compromise because they agree. Pastor bill has a crush on deacon carl. He doesn't want his wife Carla. He lusting after carl. He doesn't want Carla, he wants carl.   He wants to dress up like Carla but not be with her. He sneaks into her closet. He outs in her clothes but he doesn't want her. He wants no mounts he want almond joy. " he said.
Rebecca tried not to laugh. This was absurd.  This was beyond looney  toons. She tried not to be distracting. She tried to be respectful. It was really odd.
"PAstor bill wants to sin. He wants the new paths. He Can't say that. He does it subtly. He is careful. He wants his rock music, he wants his PowerPoint, he wants his smut. He will water down the scripture. He will use those perversions. He will use thee.s.v, NIV, HIV, and st.d. king James is an old path. It calls a spade a spade in no uncertain terms. It is not pusey. The NIV is a pusy version. According to the n.i.v, the word of God is living and active. Living and active. What the heck? No the word of God is quick and powerful. It is sharper than a two-edged sword amen." He said. 
"If it is true, it is not new. If it is new it is not true. Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. This is the same old claptrap form the past. Same crap, different day.    It's pretending to be true. It is yay high God sAid. Did God really say that?  It is the sodomites strike back.  "
She found the message to be ok. It was better than the morning message. She did not find it to be great. It was not bad. 
This had been a bizarre day she thought. The whole day did not make sense.  The pastor prayed and then dismissed the service. People started to disperse.
"I am so glad you came back. It was good to meet you," he told Rebeca. They went home. They bad super after the service. She was glad that the day was over.  She hoped that her dad would decide to have his family visit another churches. There had to be a better church she thought. This could not be the only church out there in this area. She trusted her dad.
She laid in bed considering all that happened.she tried to destressify. After a time she calmed down enough that she drifted off to sleep.
The pastor  could not get her out of his head. He decided that he had to have her. She would be his wife. He was determined to make that happen. 

Next up
The pastor tries to get to know Rebecca more.  Rebecca is reluctant but her dad seems supportive of a union between the two.
This story may appear to be against independent fundamental baptist. I am an independent fundamental baltist. I support the movement and attend an I.f.b church. There is a branch of I.f.b that I am sceptical. The Steven Anderson branch.
This is an amalgamation of things I have  hurd in I.f.b churches. 

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