xiv. oblivion

351 13 1

"When you play it hard, and I try to follow you there. It's not about control, but I turn back when I see where you go."

"I know Elijah and Rebekah will be arriving shortly

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I know Elijah and Rebekah will be arriving shortly." Clara spoke as she tipped a bottle of cranberry juice enough to fill up a wine glass. She set down the bottle and placed the lid on the opening, then she picked up the glass between her fingers. When the woman turned around to face Niklaus, her hair got stuck in her red lipstick. She peeled the strands of straightened hair off and pulled a seat out from under the table. "Nik, I don't believe they'll run to you with open arms to thank you for killing Mikael, again, given their obsession with Freya." The heretic sat in the seat and took a sip of the cranberry juice before setting the glass down.

It was a blunt statement, one the Original Hybrid would rather do without, so he brushed it off as nothing important. "The pastries are delightful this morning." He told the heretic with a smile, resulting in a small glare from her. "Relax, love, I have a plan. Everything will be okay." He reached forward and picked up a folded newspaper, then laid it before her on the table. "While we wait, you can help me find the answer to DOWN number 7, The Raven writer's monogram."

Clara raised an eyebrow and continued to look at him. "You're telling me that Klaus Mikaelson, a one thousand year old man, doesn't have the answer for that in his head?" She inquired in surprise and confusion, turning her head to look down at the newspaper, which she picked up off of the table. "I happen to love poems, this is a no brainer."

Klaus smirked. "I know the answer, but if I make you answer a crossword puzzle prompt then you might get sucked in which would make you quiet."

"Oh," the woman sat up straighter in her seat and appeared to brighten up "well in that case could you point out where number 7 is so I can jot the answer down?"

"Sure," Klaus reached forward to point it out as requested, and as he did Clara grabbed his wrist and, while holding the newspaper in her right hand, siphoned a small amount of magic to light the newspaper on fire. She stared at him blankly as the flames spread quickly and turned the crossword puzzle to ash. Klaus dropped his smirk, and she dropped his wrist. "Come on, love, I was only joking, you know that."

The woman rolled her eyes and stood up from her seat. "There are better things I can be doing today." Turning away from the hybrid, she began to walk towards the hall.

"Clara, where are you going?"

"Away from you." She told him, not stopping. "You can't silence me, Niklaus!"


The strokes of red paint Klaus slapped on were rough and fast, but controlled and planned out. He was furious, with himself and with his family. Disappointed. He didn't want to ruin things with Clara, and he didn't want to ruin things with his siblings, but there he was. He expected a rather jubilant breakfast, a celebration. But that was not what he got. Clara was in a rather fragile and vulnerable state, the smallest offense would make her snap. As for his siblings, they preferred their so called older sister over him. The hybrid dipped the paintbrush into the cup of paint and slapped it onto the layers of colors just as his brother entered the room.

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