iii. way down we go

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"Oh, Father, tell me, do we get what we deserve? Oh, we get what we deserve. And way down we go."


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"Where have you been?" Klaus inquired into phone as he walked down a few stairs, having just answered his ringing phone. It had been a long day, and he had expected to hear from Elijah (who had went to see Rebekah and Hope) throughout, which didn't happen. They were under heavy threat, Esther was seeking out Rebekah who had been keeping Klaus's baby hidden and safe, all so that they could be reunited in new bodies. The problem: Esther believed she had gotten the baby killed as a sacrifice. After seeing starlings, the bird the witch used to stalk with, Rebekah met up with Elijah. 

Instead of hearing his brother's voice on the other end, he heard his sister's. "Nik, it's me, something's wrong. Elijah slaughtered a dozen people whose only sin was terrible taste in food. I mean when have you known him to kill when he could otherwise compel? It's the kind of act that'll draw our mother's attention."

Klaus stopped on the stairs and closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh. "Her torture must have affected him more deeply than I realized. Where is he now?"

"I broke his neck to keep us safe. But I have no clue what to do next."

"Do you recall where we dined the Christmas after we fled Mikael?" The Hybrid asked, hurrying down the stairs and through the hall. 

"Of course." 

"Go there. Now."


Clara stepped out the bathtub in the hotel room she had stayed the night in, the water droplets on her body sliding down her skin to the floor. Her original plan was to leave the city, but it wouldn't be safe if she didn't have a plan, so she compelled herself a room to give her time to think away from all of the Mikaelson drama. She grabbed her phone from the sink counter and answered the incoming call, which was from an unknown number, then brought it up to her ear. 


"Clara, it's me. Where are you?" Klaus sounded on the other end. 

Clara let out a sigh, tilting her head. She smirked. "You just couldn't resist, could you?" 

"I don't have time for games. Where are you?"

The woman scowled a bit, knowing she was about to be sucked into more Mikaelson drama. "A hotel outside of the Quarter. Why?"

"I need you to stay put until I say. Text me the hotel and which room number. I mean it, Clara. Stay. Put. Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself." 


And so that's what the vampire had done, stay put...for the most part. The first day she was stuck in there went smoothly. She had a few snacks from the maids, whose bodies were thrown into the laundry chute. She watched TV, she drank. 

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