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We were asked to make something about war.. or peace!!



During the war that claimed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives,

I'd mentally given up the ghost a time or two,

Nearly starved to death,

The rats I ate kept me alive,

I'd have wished to be killed by their poison but I was probably immune,

Even without an x-ray machine, my bones could be seen from a mile away,

My family had been slaughtered like animals while I hid in the cupboard watching from the key hole. Frightened. Cowardly...

After then, nowhere was safe for the next few years.

Living underground was a gamble,

If bombs didn't blow our heads off,

It was either we'd end up eating each other or getting eaten,

When my turn had come, I ran, I couldn't die like this!?

If I was going to die, I wanted to die by my own hands, and quickly!

Surprisingly, I survived for three cruel years,

Sleeping with the dead,

The cemetery was a semi-safe-zone,

Although by nightfall, I'd see many shadows gathered about me and some skulls turning my way,

At times I'd even feel strange breathes on my neck,

But the dead didn't have to bother about survival,

No. They were already safe.....

I wondered if momma and Papa's spirits saw me,

Maddie, Sam and Noah,

They'd probably be waiting to spit on my grave but I won't blame them,

At twelve I should have been able to do something, was I not?

Maybe, maybe not,

But I'd have preferred to die with them than live like this!

After days of mental arguments,

I decided suicide would suffice,

So I hanged myself on a nearby tree,

I was finally going to be reunited with my family,

I was now sure,

True peace,

Could only be found in the graveyard.



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