Chapter 1

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Percy's life had been getting steadily worse ever since the beginning of the Giant War. First, Nico is captured, then Annabeth dies when they FALL INTO FREAKING TARTARUS! Then, he can't bury her because he is driven away by the hundreds of monsters following his smell as a Big Three kid. Oh, and don't forget that he inherited his mother's Sight, so the Mist doesn't affect him whatsoever, leaving him to see Tartarus in all its horrible glory. After the whole mess with Bob and Damasen, Hazel is killed in the battle at the Necromanteion, and Frank burns his wood to kill Clytius. Once they get to Athens, Piper and Jason are both killed to raise Gaea, and when Leo and Percy FINALLY kill her, Festus and Leo go off to who knows where, and Percy loses his entire left arm, his right hand, and his left leg. After Apollo and Hephaestus patch him up, Festus comes crashing back down from above, out of control and smoking from an astrolabe. Somehow, Leo survived, but ended up losing both legs. Back to the present, there was a new demigod child of Hypnos at camp, who was taking advantage of Percy, Nico and Leo all being holed up away from everyone to create fake demigod dreams that even managed to convince most of the gods that they were evil. Will Solace was convinced that Leo burned down the infirmary, the Demeter cabin thinks Nico killed all their plants, and the Hephaestus cabin was convinced that Percy knocked down their workshop with an earthquake.

After about a week of full-blown hatred from the campers, the three of them went to Bunker Nine to upgrade and rebuild Festus and see what Leo could add to his and Percy's prosthetics. Suffice to say that Leo and Percy could now cause mass destruction with one finger, which did not help the suspicion. Leo had offered to make Nico a prosthetic, but he declined in favor of not having limbs removed. Today, Leo was making Festus several new appendages that required Stygian Iron, as it was nearly indestructible, so he and Nico were forging them. Nico was melting it with hellfire, and Leo was attempting to shape it without getting burnt. After about half an hour of watching this new form of entertainment, Percy decided to go fetch the trio some lunch from the dining pavilion.

When he reached the dining pavilion, he was approached by Malcolm. Knowing what was coming, Percy quickly went to leave with his food, but Malcolm stopped him.

"You flooded my cabin! We lost all of our blueprints! Do you have any idea how much those were worth!?"

Knowing it was useless to try to deny it, Percy sighed and kept going. Next, he was approached by Harley. Harley was one of the few neutral campers, not taking one side or another. Thinking that had probably come to an end now, Percy turned to look at him.

"Mr. D. wants you, Leo, and Nico up at the Big House." Harley says in an emotionless voice, before turning and walking away.

Percy kept going, and once he got to Bunker Nine, set the food down.

"GUYS! I have food!" he calls towards the sound of explosions and sight of black fire mixed with red and a singed Leo still cursing at the sensation of being burned for the first time.

After a minute or so, Leo and Nico stop whatever the heck they were doing, and come over, each eating a sandwich from the tray.

"Dionysus wants us up at the Big House." says Percy.

Nico and Leo cheer in sync, somehow creating a four-note Cmaj7 chord with only two voices. (C major seventh chord)

Just kidding. They groan in sync, and Leo asks, "Do we have to?" in a whiny voice while Nico mutters something that will never again be repeated out loud in Greek. Both Leo and Percy pale at Nico's language, and Percy informs Leo that yes, he has to go, and no, he may not blow anything up with his missile launcher and/or toelaser.

They trudge over to the Big House, ignoring the accusatory stares of the campers. When they get there, Dionysus says nothing, only grabs them and teleports to Olympus.

"Geez, a little warning next time?!" Percy says, wobbling a little bit.

Once Dionysus teleported in, all of the other Olympians, including Hestia and Hades took their seats. Zeus stands up, ready to start the council.

"These demigods have been accused of working against Olympus, and allowing monsters into Camp Half-Blood. All in favor of execution raise your hand."

All of the gods except Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, and Hephaestus raise their hands.

"As we cannot kill them without a unanimous vote," Zeus grumbles at this, "I declare them banished from both camps and the Greek world. I also encourage their parents to disown them. Now send them back, they have two hours to leave."

The thre demigods are teleported back to Bunker Nine, still processing what had just happened. After a few minutes, Percy broke the silence. "No loss, they hate us anyway." But he didn't seem convinced.

After they had packed all of their things, most of it going in Leo's tool belt, four flashes illuminated the room, and Hades, Hestia, Poseidon, appeared, along with another goddess they didn't recognize.

Poseidon spoke first. "We aren't supposed to be here, so I'll make this quick. Hades, Hestia, Hecate, and I are here to offer you our blessings Most of the minor gods sided with you but are too afraid of Zeus. Your father, too." he said, looking at Leo, "I bless all three of you with water powers, Percy's will just increase, and shapeshifting. We stand beside you, and our younger brother will be having a very unpleasant time from now on."

Hades stepped forward. "I bless you all with the full powers of my children, and none of you can fade. Nico can now force spirits to take vessels in a time of need or summon them wthout a ritual. I hope you survive."

Hestia stepped forward. "I give all of you the ability to control fire and heal from it. I also give you the ability to summon meals and travel by fire."

Hecate came forward. "I give you all magic, a complete knowledge of wizarding magic, and an advanced understanding of sorcery. Wizarding magic is verbal spells through a channeling instrument, and sorcery is the direct manipulation of mana and the elements."

Hestia spoke. "I hope you make it wherever you are going, Poseidon, Hades, and I will do our best to teach our younger brother a lesson."

After the gods left, the demigods all linked hands, and, with Nico guiding them, shadowtraveled themselves and a bronze dragon to an unknown location. May have been a bad idea, as they appeared in the air over a bunch of strange tents with even stranger things around them.

A/N Sorry for posting a partial chapter earlier, the device I do most of this on can't do the dropboxes to select story categories.

Nico, Leo, and Percy BetrayedWhere stories live. Discover now