Upon reaching the orphanage, they looked even happier. At the entrance of the orphanage, a woman in her mid-thirties is standing.

On spotting the couple, a beautiful smile can be seen on her face. The women welcomed them wholeheartedly.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Asfand!" Said the woman to the couple.

"Thank you miss Palwasha! How is my princess doing? I hope all the papers are ready because I cannot wait any longer to take her home with me!" Said a very excited and happy, Mrs. Asfand.

"Yes! Yes, of course! All the papers are ready. You guys just have to sign the papers and then you can take her home." Said miss Palwasha.

"Shall we proceed then?" asked Mr. Asfand.

"Yes! Please come in!" Said miss Palwasha to the eager couple.

The three of them went to the main office of orphanage and after reading the papers, Mr Asfand signed them and forwarded the papers to his wife. After all the protocol was done, they walked towards the living quarters.

They entered an old looking room. Upon entering the room they saw a small baby of 3 months, wrapped in soft, yellow blankets, sleeping on a single bed. Both sides of the baby were protected with pillows so that the baby may not fall off the bed.

"Awww! Look Asfand! My princess looks so cute!" Exclaimed Mrs. Asfand with tears in her bright, brown eyes.

"Ma Sha Allah! Indeed she is beautiful!" Said Mr. Asfand, also looking very emotional.

The woman, miss Palwasha, picked the girl up and brought her towards the new and eager parents of the child.

"Here is your Amanat! We have not named the child yet! You can do the honors of naming her as she is yours now!" Said miss Palwasha to the couple.

"What do you want to name her, Hiba?" asked Mr. Asfand to his wife.

"You know, Asfand, I always wanted to name my daughter as 'Hana'." Said Hiba while wiping her tears.

"Then my daughter's name will be Hana! After all, she is as beautiful and precious as a flower, just like her name sake!" Asfand said while gently patting his daughter's small head with a teary smile.

"Hana is it then! Well, congratulations to you guys! May Allah bless you all with bright futures ahead!" Miss Palwasha smiled and said.

"Ameen!" Both replied to her duas with over-whelming hearts.

After this, the couple with their new family addition, followed Miss Palwasha to the entrance and took their leave. The driver opened the car door for the couple and congratulated them for their daughter.

The car took off from there and made its way towards the mall. The couple shopped a little even though they already had enough things for their child. Hiba was so happy that she could not help herself!

After shopping, they put their things in the car and the driver took them to their villa.

They got out of the car and hiba voiced her concerns. "What are we going to tell ammi? I know she is not going to be happy with us! I am also afraid she won't be accepting hana anytime soon!"

"Don't worry, Hiba! She is my mother and I know that she will fall in love with her as we did! And if it comes to this that she does not want my baby here then we will also leave and live somewhere else! If my daughter is not accepted here then my family will also not stay here!" Asfand said with determination and finality in his tone. His wife nodded and they made their way inside!

"Zamid, Zayn! Come here kids!" Asfand entered and called his kids that were in the lounge and doing their homework along with their cousins.

Both kids stood up and ran towards their father with smiles on their faces.

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