Chapter 11

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I will follow anyone that votes for this chapter if I don't already because even is my lucky number 🤗 I hope you enjoy!!💛

Love is stronger than magic, Louie.

Louie was trying to get free as he watched her lower Huey to the ground. Shortly after she started to choke him more.

Love is stronger than magic

Huey started to gasp for air.

Love is stronger than magic

Louie got his arms free.

Love is stronger than magic

Louie started to crawl towards Magica.

Love is stronger than magic

Magica noticed Louie and was shocked. She started to draw her attention more to him, releasing a little bit of the pressure on Huey.

I know you love your family.

Magica started to choke Louie, ignoring Just completely, other than keeping him down.
(A/N: I'm making these quotes up btw)
Louie, I'm your brother. You don't have to prove that you love me.

Louie was almost able to grab Magica's weird staff thing, but his vision was decreasing.

I always feel like I have to protect you and Dewey, when really, you're protecting us, Louie.

Louie was gasping for air but he finally managed to get the staff out of Magica's hand.

Why wouldn't you tell me and Huey about TenderFeet? We would believe our brother over a Bigfoot anytime!

Louie watched the spear light up incredibly bright, and then everything went black from lack of oxygen.

I love you, baby brother..

Louie felt himself falling, falling in darkness. He was falling for what felt like forever when he finally hit the ground. It was soft, and bright. Then he saw his dad.(A/N: I'm this, their dad died a couple years after they were born)

"Dad? Where are we? How are you here? What's going on?"

"Hey Lou-Lou. We're in Heaven, but you're not dead yet."

"Then how am I here?"

"You get to decide now, Louie. Do you want to go back down there with your family, or stay here?"

Louie thought about it. He didn't want to go back down there and face his family. They would hate him for what he caused and once they got over it he's go back to being a screw up anyway. He didn't want to leave his dad. He and his dad had always been super close before he died.

"Why are you hesitant?" His dad asked. Louie ran up to him and hugged him around the waist.

"They'll think I'm a screw up if I go back. They'll hate me."

"Lou-Lou, you're their family, they could never hate you." Louie sniffed and buried his head in his dad's shirt.

"I-I don't wanna leave you.."

"I'll always be with you, Lou-Lou. And when you're ready you'll come back to me." Louie wiped his eyes and sniffed.

"O-ok. I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Mini Me."

His Dad's POV

I watched Louie travel back to reality. I turned to see one of my friends, who died shortly after me.

"He's exactly like me.." I said, looking down.

"I know. Good thing you named him Llewellyn, aiy Llewellyn."

I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah. I just hope he doesn't make the same mistakes I made."

"He won't, now come on Louie, you'll see him again one day."

Louie's POV

I woke up with a bright light shinning I'm my face. I moved my hand to cover my face and saw the wires of an IV. A hospital. A was in a freaking hospital. "Huey? Dewey?" I asked.

"Ah! You're awake! Good afternoon, Llewellyn." A cherry woman said.

"Louie. Who are you?"

"I'm Doctor Quack. Would you like me to send your family in?"

"Yeah, I guess." I knew I would have to face them sooner or later. The doctor left the room and I had a few seconds to decide what to say. I decided it was best to start with an apology.

Soon enough the door opened a crack and Huey peaked his head through.

"Can we come in?" He asked. I nodded and made a hand gesture. He smiled and walked in, followed by Uncle Scrooge, Uncle Donald, Mom, Webby, and Dewey.

"You guys, I'm really sorry-" I started, but Webby cut me off.

"None of that. You didn't do anything."

"Well, you did, but it was good." Dewey said.

"You saved my life." Huey smiled.

Huey and Dewey pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, baby brother."


And that's a wrap! Thanks for coming to my TedTalk! If you would want a sequel , or prequel, or whatever, about the triplets dad and what mistake he made, comment please! If it's something you want, I'll make it! Also, if any of you are 5SOS fans, I'll be publishing a story called 'Calu M Hood's Sister' soon! Thanks for reading, and comment if you want to hear more about the triplets dad!!💛💛💛💛

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