Chapter 2

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(Huey's POV before they left earlier)

I said goodbye to my brother, and told him I love him. He only mumbled a small 'yeah' in response. It breaks my heart to think about my brother feeling like this but I don't understand why. Sure he got grounded pretty harshly, but lately, even before that, he was acting different towards us. I was standing outside his door when I heard Dewey yell from downstairs, "Hurry up, Huey, or we're leaving you here!" That's when it clicked.

We'll leave Louie, he's bad at most things.

Shoot. Did he hear that?

It's not his fault we like him more than you!

Oh man. Did he actually take that seriously?(AN: the next two are made up)

Louie be quiet! All you do is watch TV!

That was three years ago and he laughed!

You only care about money, not us.

That was when time collapsed and I don't have an excuse. Oh man! I am a horrible brother. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, but instead I decided to tell Dewey everything.

Dewey's POV (before they went on the adventure)

We were waiting for Huey to get in the car when he came out looking distressed. He didn't say anything the entire ride except for mumbling, "I'm a terrible brother. Terrible. Absolutely horrible." The instant we parked the car and got out Huey grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the car. Then he told me about everything with Louie.

Captain Lost! Captain Lost!! CAPTAIN LOST!!!

Me, whyyyyyy

It's not his fault we like him more than you!

Huey and me, whyyyy
(AN: Next two made up)

Louie get out! We don't like playing with you, you're suck.

We were 5! I'm sure he understands!

Great going Louie! You almost got us lost in time because you wanted a little money! You are so selfish, if I didn't know any better if say you're as bad as Scrooge's enemies.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. All he did was make a mistake! I really said that? Oh god, I hate myself right now. I didn't know what to do, we were out who knows how many miles away from Louie and he was at home, probably plotting revenge because we are terrible brothers! I would plot revenge of I was him! Me and Huey tried to have fun but we just kept planning ways to apologize to our little brother.

Present time, Huey's POV

I practically kicked down the mansion door, and ran to our room. The door was closed so I knocked. "Louie? Louie, I'm sorry, really. I was a terrible brother and I feel horrible for everything I said to you. Please forgive me?" There was no answer so I slowly opened the door. " Louie? Louie, I said-" he wasn't there! I searched the entire room but I couldn't find him a anywhere! "Dewey! Dewey, come here!" Dewey came rushing in and instantly saw the Louie was gone. "Oh no."

Meanwhile Louie's POV

"Ha! You actually think they love you?! Borderline, they tolerate you. They don't love you." Magical said. I wanted to cry but I knew know was the time to be strong, if there was a time. I blinked away my tears and said, "They do! I was just dumb! And I'm not evil. I'm nothing like you guys." I heard lots of laughs coming from around me. I wanted so bad to go home, but I just couldn't find it in me to even try. "You know what? I'm not spending my life trying to convince you that you're evil. Even if you clearly are. Just call me when you come to senses and until then wait here until your 'family' decides to come find the evil triplet" with that, she untied me and have me a ripped piece of paper. It said, "We all know you're evil. Call me when you realize too." It had her number as well. I went to tell her I didn't need it when I realized everyone left. I decided to walk home so I showed the paper in my pocket I stepped outside. I had no idea where I was. Oh well, it'll be a long night.

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