Chapter 8

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Louie's POV

Fortunately for me, Magica knew where the dime was. I don't exactly know why, but she did. I was starting to get a feeling she hasn't told me the whole truth, but I couldn't be sure. 'So, when are we going to get the dime?'

Not we, I.


I'll take it from here.

'G-getting the dime?'

Yeah, and every thing else.

'W-what do you mean?'

I need the dime to restore my full power, to be able to use magic when I'm not possessing someone. You were dumb enough to actually buy my story! Of course the others don't know about this! You really are the stupid triplet.

'What? B-but you said that they don't care! That you did!'

They don't care. The only thing is, I don't either.

I felt myself falling. Falling, in my own body, like I wasn't in control but I could still see everything happening. Magical twirled my fingers and laughed. Then she walked to the mirror and I noticed my eyes. They were slightly darker and had an evil his to them. "Oh wow. Louie, you ever thought about exercise?"
'No. Why.'

"You're looking a little, chubby."

I sighed. Everyone always joked like that to me but I never had the guts to tell them that it actually hurt my feelings. I was scared, Magica had full control of my body, all I could do was see through my eyes...

Y'know you can leave your body right?


You can leave, you'll just be a spirit. The only people who will see you are the ones that think something is wrong, and luckily, no one cares enough to see what's happening.

I tried leaving, and it worked. The only downfall? No one could see me.

I'm going to get the dime, do whatever you want.

I quickly floated downstairs. First thing I did was to into the kitchen where everyone was and yell, "HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!!" No one even flinched, except for Huey. He rubbed his ear and looked around. I could tell he had just recently stopped crying, so I tried again. I got right next to his ear and shouted, "GO IN THE LIVING ROOM!!" He looked around and eventually went to the living room. Good. He can just kinda hear me. Time to change that.




With each sentence he flinched more until he looked around the room and his eyes landed in me.

"Louie? Why can I barely see you? Why are you floating? Are you okay?"

"Huey, I'm in trouble. I'm like this because my body is possessed by Magica and she's going to get the dime!" I yelled.

"Hey Huey, who're you talking to?"

"L-louie? Are you really M-magica?" Huey stuttered. Magical glared at me subtly before replying.

"No, of course not. You must be imagining things."

"So, you're okay? Nothing's wrong?"

"Nope. Nothing."

Huey looked back at where I was and I could tell he didn't see me. I let a tear fall before I followed magical back to my room. I knew she got the dime.

The Evil Triplet- A Louie Duck StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя