Chapter 5

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Huey's POV

          We decided that it would be best to give Louie some space. He seemed, off, and nobody really wanted to tempt it, so we just waited to talk to him and ask questions in the morning.


            Everyone was in the living room watching TV so I took that as a chance to go check on Louie. I know we weren't supposed to both or him but I was scared. I was scared for him, and for us. I tiptoed up the stairs, careful not to alert anyone downstairs, knocks s on our bedroom door quietly. After not getting an answer I knocked a little harder, but he still didn't say anything. I started to get nervous and pounded once more. No answer. So I opened the door.

             Louie was sleeping on the floor. I was getting all worked up, for nothing. I sighed and went to pick him up and put him bed when I noticed two things. One: he has a tear-stained face like he's been crying himself to sleep, and looked like he was in pain. Not mental pain, physical. So carefully, I removed his sweater to see if he had any bruises or cuts. I didn't see anything so I just sighed and put his sweater back on as I pulled the sleeve down his right arm he whimpered and I was worried he woke up. He didn't so I slowly rolled he sleeve back up. On his arm there was a big bruise on the shape of a hand. How did I not see that?! I gasped and rolled his sleeve down quickly and ran downstairs to tell everyone what I saw.

Louie's POV

             I woke up when Huey entered the room. I didn't wake up because of him, it was because of stupid Magica. The second the doors opened she started screeching in my ear, DON'T SAY ANYTHING! PRETEND YOU'RE ASLEEP!! After I thought he would leave I accidentally whinpered. You're going to regret that. I heard Judy gasped and the door click shut. Well? Call him in! I sighed and picked up my phone as to not rouse suspicion.

( Slanted=Huey, bold slanted=Magica, normal=Louie)
Louie! What was on your arm, where were you today, what's going on, I'm telling mom and uncl-

No!! I found myself yelling, although, I wasn't controlling it.

What? Why, Louie, are you ok?

Yes, I- No! Huey, get up here, please I have to tell you some -

            I, well Magica, ended the call. I knew this would not be good, but at least Huey should be coming. Remember how I told you you would regret that? Well, you pushed me over the edge. 'What?! But you told me to call him in!' You're supposed to leave the talking to me!  I felt my throat close up, like I was choking. No one would believe you, if you told them, they'd send you away for being mental! I clawed at my throat, but nothing happened as no one was really there. Here on out, leave the talking to me, and get Scrooge's number one dime if you want me gone. Got it?  I shaking nodded and felt my throat open up again just as the door opened. "Hubert, shut the door."


Hi everyone! I hope you like my story, I know this chapter isn't the greatest but it's something. I'm having a small writers block, but I'll try to start chapter 6 soon!

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The Evil Triplet- A Louie Duck StoryWhere stories live. Discover now