A Day With Dadzawa

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Izuku pov-
- Yesterday was good, i finally have a parent that doesn't hate me or want to use me and i survived a bath with Nemi without getting too flustered. Today me and dad are going to go out and get some stuff for him since he'll be moving in with me and Nemi. Although I keep noticing him texting someone with a small smile on his face. Is it a girl?
Hey dad? "Yeah?" Are you texting a girl right now? "How did you notice?" Because Shõta Aizawa of all people is actually smiling while looking at his phone. "Observant problem child, in all honesty I'm talking to Ms Joke, it's hard not to smile when you talk to her." Oh so it's a love inrerest then, I can try to help with that. "Not right now I'd rather settle in with you and your lady friend for now." Speaking of my lady friend, I'm thinking of asking nezu to let me get a heros licence so I can make some money to pay for an engagement ring. "If he says yes you could always help me with my work that way she won't know you're doing hero work." Thanks dad I'll take you up on that.

Izuku and Aizawa finished all their shopping and moving and lastly make their way to UA to ask Nezu for permission to get a heros licence.

Aizawa pov-
Hey principal Nezu my son here wants to know if he can get his heros licence and do some jobs with me. "I presume this is apart of his proposal plan?" You're stupidly smart it's kinda creepy, but yeah and we all know he'd instantly be the strongest hero in the world. "That is true but I have 2 conditions for this, 1 he must propose publicly at UA and 2 he needs to continue his hero work afterwards while accompanying you, All Might or midnight of course." That'll be fine although I'm not sure if he can handle proposing publicly we know what his mental state is like the poor boy is traumatised even if he hides it well. "Don't worry if it means making her happy we both know he won't hesitate, for his test for the license I reckon we should just make him fight the top 10 heros in the country it'll be short and simple." Not happening I may be a hero but I'm way too scared to fight the kid. "Okay we'll make it top 3 then." That's better, I'll let him know.

Aizawa leaves the office and is shocked at the new situation infront of him.

Izuku pov-
DAD HELP USE YOUR QUIRK! -Aizawa then used his quirk to stop mine, i don't know what happened I just heard a voice and then all of a sudden these black tendrils started coming out of me and I couldn't control them
"Problem child what on earth happened"

All Might: The previous one for all users quirks are starting to manifest inside Izuku meaning he'll be getting a handful of new quirks. That one there is black whip if I remember correctly, they are black tendrils that can be used for capturing or mobility mainly.

Izuku: If this is one for all how come you can't use it?

All Might: I'm not strong enough to awaken the other quirks, I only know 2 of the quirks you'll manifest, black whip and my mentors quirk, float. You will be able to float in the air as the quirk suggests, you probably won't notice it since you have the power of flight anyway but it might help your control when flying.

Aizawa: You really are a problem child you know that son?

Izuku: Sorry dad.

All Might: Son? Dad?

Izuku: Aizawa adopted me yesterday.

All Might: May I request to be your uncle Might?

Izuku: Our family is potentially the most powerful group of people to ever live.

Aizawa: Oh izuku about the proposal, your test for you licence is a 1v3 fight against the top 3 heros and your proposal has 2 conditions. It has be public and at UA and you have to continue hero work afterwards too.

All Might: Ah yes I recall Nemuris rant about wanting to be proposed to with all her friends and family present.

Izuku: I was planning on it anyway

Aizawa: I thought you'd be too scared due to the amount of people.

Izuku: Anything for her. Besides I also have a special guest that I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Aizawa: You didn't...

Izuku: I did...

All Might: I'm confused...

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