Chapter 11: At the End of a Distant Road

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The night went by in a blur.
Soon the club was closed, normal lighting filling it and showing the evidence of the night's events.
When open, the club glowed bright red, creating dark corners and an air of mystery, but when closed yellow and white lights filled the room and all the secrets were uncovered.
Luxurious couches turned into worn down furniture.
Sparkling stages became floors where drinks had been spilt.
And while Katya didn't always love what they were doing here, she always missed the magical red glow when the night ended.

Well, except that evening.

That night the bright lights came as a comfort, the room feeling safe without it's dark corners and wandering hands.

Katya gathered everyone in the main room for announcements, security, stage hands, dancers and bartenders all grouped together on the main floor. Trixie stood next to Kim and Jaida who were taking care of her while Katya was speaking. Blair was next to Dela, who was still making sure that the girl was okay.

"Thank you for your hard work today everyone. It's been an eventful evening, and unfortunatly very uncomfortable for some of you.
What happened today was unacceptable, and potentially very dangerous. Therefor, I think it best that we stay closed for the remainder of the week. I know that Fridays and Saturdays are our busiest, but I think everyone could use a breather, I know I could. You'll of course still get your full weekly salary, and I'll add a small bonus for everyone, for the tips lost and the inconvenience. Any objections?" Katya looked around the room, but everyone seemed to think it was a good idea.

Katya stepped off the stage and went over to Blair and Dela.

"How you doing Blairie?"

"I'm okay, it wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable." She said, Dela rubbing her back soothingly as she spoke.

"Good, Dela thanks for taking care of her." Katya said, patting Dela's shoulder slightly.

"No problem at all, happy to help." Dela said with a bright smile, not missing a beat.

"You girls head home, I'm gonna check on Trixie."

"See you Monday, Katya." Blair replied.

"Make sure you take care of her, she seemed pretty shaken up, the poor dear." Dela said before leading Blair to the dressing room, most likely to collect their things.

When Katya reached Trixie, almost the entire room had cleared out, tho Kim and Jaida still remained at the young girl's side.

"Hey кукла, you doing okay?"

"Better, Jaida and Kim helped calm me down more." Trixie replied in a small voice.

"That's good. Thank you, both of you." She told the two girls.

"Of course, stuff like that should never happen, we're lucky Trixie didn't break anything." Jaida replied.

"Yeah, it could have gone badly, I'm sorry I couldn't reach you in time, Trix." Kim said.

"Not your fault, Kimmy." Trixie replied.

"And not yours either, Trix." Jaida added.

"It's not anyone's fault but his, no one should treat women like he does." Katya stated, to which they all nodded in agreement.

After a moment Trixie shuffled over to Katya's side.

"Can we go home now?" She whispered in Katya's ear.


Katya wanted nothing more than to have a place that she and Trixie could both call their home.

Club Katya ✔ ~ trixyaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora