Chapter 6: A Deal and A Doll

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"I don't give a damn what you're offering Bill, I'm not selling the club, засранца." Katya said angrily. Bill Marshall owned tons of clubs, most of which had minors, who's age he lied about, and which forced the girls into prostitution. He hated the fact that Katya could make this club run well despite not allowing the same, Katya also managed to get many of the best girls because of the conditions and safety she offered. Back when Katya first tried to come to America, Bill had "helped" her, little did she know what she was actually getting herself into. 

"Katya, don't forget who got you where you are today. Don't you think you should return the favour, sweetheart? Of course, you could also give me a little gift... that IQ Kitty for example?" Katya wanted to throw up at the suggestion. Never would she let Trixie go with that man, not even for a quick lap dance. 

"I, made myself who I am today. I built this club with my own money, you did nothing. And no, you'll not be getting any gifts from me." Katya stated harshly. 

"You'll regret this Katya, one day you'll come crying to me, mark my words." Bill said, clearly annoyed that for once he would not be getting his will.

"Highly doubt that, but believe what you want. Now, please get the fuck out of here." 

Bill picked up his things and left the building, pushing through the crowds of patrons who were leaving as the club had just closed for the evening. 

"You okay?" Pete asked. Pete was the bar manager, and often acted as Katya's 2nd in command. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just hate that fucker so much. I swear, I'd rather die than watch any more of my girls go to him."

"We'll be fine Kat, with Trixie here and the girls we had already, I'm sure of it. Maybe you could some day even buy out Bill's clubs, get Naomi and Nicky back." He stated as he patted her shoulder in a comforting motion.

"I hope so Pete, I hate knowing that I let them go to that monster." She said sadly.

Naomi and Nicky had left two years before, the club was struggeling and paychecks were low, so Bill saw an oppurtunity. He gave them all the promises that he had given Katya years before, and despite Katya trying to convince them of what he was like, the girls had gone with him to Kitty Express. She hated herself for not being able to stop it. Hated that she couldn't protect him from the man that made her life a living hell. The man who almost ruined her.

"I'm gonna head upstairs, can you lock up?" Katya asked Pete, desperate to return to her angel, even just to see that the young girl was safe. Something about Bill's presence and his clear interest in Trixie made Katya uneasy.

"Yeah sure, see you tommorow Kat." He said. Katya thanked him and gave him a quick hug before practically running upstairs and unlocking the door as quickly as possible.

"Trix!?" She called out, letting out a sigh of relief when Trixie walked out in a pajamas that were usually extremly oversized on Katya, but were formitting on Trixie's full figure.

"Trix!?" She called out, letting out a sigh of relief when Trixie walked out in a pajamas that were usually extremly oversized on Katya, but were formitting on Trixie's full figure

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"Ah, come here, кукла." Katya said with a soft smile. Trixie shuffled over to her shyly, and as soon as she was in front of her, Katya pulled her into a tight hug. 

"Are you okay, Katya?" Trixie asked softly, clearly confused by Katya's obvious concern. Katya let her hand stroke through the locks of cotton candy hair softly before she spoke.

"Yes, кукла, I just don't like the man I had to meet very much. He is a very bad man." Katya explained vaguely. 

"Why? What's wrong with him?" Trixie asked. Katya didn't want to go into details about the man, fearing Trixie's reaction if she knew everything and fearing that she wouldn't be able to hold back if she started discussing it.

"I'll tell you someday, кукла. But not today, today is for smiling, not for tears." Katya spoke softly before kissing the top of Trixie's head. Trixie nodded slightly, not pushing the subject further which Katya was grateful for. She took Trixie's hand in hers and lead her into the kitchen, lifting Trixie up on one of the bar stools in front of her kitchen island. 

"Katya, what does kukla mean?" Trixie asked, slightly messing up the pronounciation.

"кукла means doll, darling." She explained with a smile as she took out ingredients for russian pancakes or блин, as it was one of the few things Katya actually knew how to make. She saw Trixie slightly blush at the new knowledge, which made the older woman smile.

"Oh, thank you." She spoke softly, to which Katya only smiled. Katya stirred together the pancake batter quickly and Trixie practically jumped in her seat as she realised what Katya was making.

"Is it pancakes? I love pancakes, but I've never had it for dinner, or night snack or whatever this is at this point." Trixie said excitedly. 

"It's russian pancakes, they'll be savory, but I promise they'll be good." Trixie nodded at Katya's statement, clearly not bothered by the unfamiliar dish.

"That's fine, just please don't put meat in them, I'm a vegetarian." She told Katya. Katya hummed in response, glad that she hadn't decided to make the version which were stuffed with ground meat. 

"Tell me more about yourself, what do you like to do, Trix?" Katya asked. She wanted to know the girl, wanted to hear her story, learn everything there was to know about the little angel.

"Ehm, I like to sing..." Trixie mumbled out.

"You sing?" Katya said excitedly.

"Yeah, well kind of, I kind of wanted to be a singer but it didn't work out." She spoke shyly and clearly a little embarrased by her music career didn't go where she wanted it to. Katya reached over the counter to take Trixie's hand in hers.

"Hey, I'm not judging. I'm sure you're still wonderful. I'd love to hear you sing if you're up for it." She said honestly.

"Oh-okay, I suppose I could sing a little." She said shyly.

As Trixie's voice filled the room, Katya was sure that there was nothing this girl couldn't do. Her voice was warm, clean, honest, round and raw. The tune sounded like some sort of irish traditional, which Katya wasn't sure why Trixie would know, but then again most things about Trixie was a mystery to Katya. 

The song itself was sad, but also somehow hopeful. It was beautiful and simple, not something Katya would ever listen to regularly, but she'd gladly give up anything in the world to hear Trixie sing it for her every day. The song came to an end and Katya had completely forgotten to stir the batter at this point.

"You're amazing." She spoke, almost in a state of disbelief.

"I'm really not that good." Trixie said shyly, looking down at her hands.

Katya walked around the island to stand in front of Trixie, lifting her chin up so the younger girl would look at her. 

"Yes, you are. You're incredible Trixie, never let anyone tell you otherwise."

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