20: Is it an intruder or is it Donghyuck?

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"Do you think they've realised?" Jeno muttered quietly with Jaemin curled up against his chest as they laid quietly on Jeno's bed, nothing could interrupt them now being that the door was locked and their phones were on silent.

"They're to caught up in their own relationship problems to worry if we're actually dating." The two boys had decided to wait for the others to find out that they were in fact boyfriends for a laugh but it seems they were either really slow or just had other things on their minds.

"Oh yeah, what did Mark Hyung say to you?" Jaemin asked looking up into Jeno's eyes as the older sighed, Mark and Donghyuck had had some sort of fight but nobody quite knows what it was about, they just weren't talking to one another these days.

All the day's gone by where they hadn't spoken was killing the groups' atmosphere, one day they were as close as ever but the next they were as good as sworn enemies.

"He didn't say anything, he just ranted about how was right and Hyuck was wrong." The couple groaned at the sound of the door knocking, they waited for whoever it was to disappear but the knocking just continued.

"One minute!" Jaemin shouted frustratedly as the two of them untangled their limbs and waddled over to the door letting whoever it was inside.

"Oh Donghyuck, you look...I don't know, are you happy?" Jaemin chuckled nervously, he was never that good with guessing emotions but he was fantastic at comforting people.

"I'm fine, brilliant, fabulous." The boy smiled, obviously fake or some terrible acting taking place. Jaemin closed the door before confusion settled on his face.

"Why'd you come here?" He asked while following him to the couch where Jeno was also seated, Donghyuck slumped back into the cushions with a loud over-exaggerated sigh.

"Mark won't even talk to me, he keeps avoiding me and I don't even know what I did wrong anymore." He rambled on, tears brimming his eyes, he really didn't understand what he had done to upset Mark so much. He had thought it was some petty fight but as it turns out, it was pretty big.

"Have you told him that, maybe he's misunderstood something?" Jeno continued, "That's what happened between us two, though that was sorted in a few days." Donghyuck shrugged, he was as clueless as a 3-year-old licking glue and sticking peas up their nose.

"Look I'm a stupid mess, crying over some stupid misunderstanding which wasn't my fault." He muttered standing up and walking into the bathroom, once the door had shut the two turned to each other with worried looks.

"What do you think-" Jaemin whispered but he was cut off by the door abruptly opening revealing a distressed Mark marching over to the couch and slamming his weight down where Donghyuck was previously sat.

"What in the world..." Jaemin pondered, the dumbfounded look on Jeno's face showed just as much confusion.

"I'm never talking to him again." Mark started, "I can't believe what he's done, and he expected me to trust his smug ass?" He bitterly laughed as tugged his hair lightly, Jaemin poked his head in the direction of the closed bathroom door seeing it cracked open slightly, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation about to take place.

"What did he even do that's so bad?" Mark laughed loudly at the statement-making the two boys jump. All they wanted was a peaceful day of cuddling and watching movies but what did they get? A load of disrupting children ruining their day.

"That dick made out with some other guy behind the music block last Friday, he even has the audacity to claim to have not done it." Mark bitterly explained, too angry to cry yet to sad to be completely angry.

From the distance the sound of bottles falling was heard, Mark turned his head around facing the bathroom door which was still open an inch.

"What was that, do you want me to check?" Mark asked, concerned that there may have been an intruder in the dorm.

"NO!" Jaemin shouted a little too loudly scaring Mark, "What I mean is, I was building a tower of bottles earlier while in the shower, they must have fallen down b-because of the...Because of the wind." Jaemin smiled trying his best to make his story convincing.

"Jaemin, are you five years old?" Mark questioned with an amused look on his face, Jeno smiled remembering the first day they ever texted since he had asked the exact same thing.

"Wait, hold on, you said he made out with someone, last Friday?" Jeno said, suddenly concentrated with the whole issue, Mark nodded muttering a small 'yeah'.

"You do realise that last Friday Donghyuck was at his parents, right?" Jaemin said slowly, he pulled his phone out showing a picture he had taken while visiting him that same Friday.

"You do realise that last Friday Donghyuck was at his parents, right?" Jaemin said slowly, he pulled his phone out showing a picture he had taken while visiting him that same Friday

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"That's his brother, I took it last Friday morning." He explained showing Mark the photo as he watched his face change into complete mortification.

"Oh my God, that's why he had different coloured hair that day!" Mark yelled while drowning in embarrassment.

"What the fuck Hyung? How could you think that if they didn't even look the same?" Jeno whined.

"They had the same bag and coat on..." Mark admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You complete idiot." Donghyuck smiled, still sat on the bathroom floor by the door, he was never going to let Mark live this down.

"I think I just heard someone in the bathroom," Mark whispered, now actually convinced someone was with them.

"Oh no that's my phone, I left in there whilst I built the towers."

"I'm really starting to believe you're five years old Nana."

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