"I'll never watch that kind of movie again." He said while punching his chest I just laugh at him.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me!" He sulked like a kid, his cheeks suddenly turn into crimson red. Is he blushing? Oh my god.

I suddenly felt heat travelled to my chest, that makes me feel warm. The sight of him sulking like a kid really makes me want to hide him on my pocket and bring him home.

I looked at my watch and check my phone if there's something but there's none. Am I expecting from someone? I suddenly felt a pang in my chest somehow.

What is happening to me?

"Where are you going after this?" He suddenly asked, we're now at the parking lot.

I looked at him and think about something, oh I'll just go at Lisa's house. I'm still guilty about what happened earlier, it's just I can feel that she's mad somehow.

Ugh I'll just tell her that I want to go at their house and I'll text Jennie too. they're just in the same subdivision anyway I'll meet her later.

"drop me into Lisa's house, I'll just give you the direction" he just nodded and started to drive his car.

All I could think is about Sana and Lisa, I want to know if they really date. I'm checking my phone time to time waiting for their text or some update about them.

I don't know why I'm the one who's being stress by their date, I mean I'm having a date too and I don't know why I'm being an overthinker here.

I mean yeah they should really date! I mean Lisa should be grateful huh! Sana is one of the most beautiful girls in our campus! I know she like that kind of girl.

"You're waiting for someone text?" Suho said in a low tone making me startled, we're already entering the exclusive subdivision of Lisa.

I immediately shook my head, "Nope, I'm just checking Jennie's text."I lied.

I immediately texted Jennie that I'm going to Lisa's house. Their house is only few blocks away from Lisa's.

"Where is their house?" Suho asked.

Nice I forgot to gave him the directions! It's just because Lisa's house is just easy to find so I kinda forgot to tell it and I'm so drowned with my thoughts.

"That's it!" I said while pointing their house, their house is one of the most elegant house here. Of course if your family is handling so many company's around the world this is just nothing.

"Thanks!" I said while removing my seatbelts, "no problem." He scanned me. "Did you have fun?"

My heart suddenly beats so fast because of what he said.
"Of course!"

His lips curled upward and form a smile, "Next time again?" He said and looks away.

This time I know he's being shy to ask me out again, he's blushing while fidgeting his hands and bitting his lower lips.

"You don't want?" He said slight irritated still not looking at me.

I immediately shook my head and laugh, "of course I want."

"Why are you laughing?" He said trying his best to look at me straight but immediately looked down.

"I'm not." I can't help but to laugh loudly while exiting his car. He just shook his head while smiling at me.

"Good night Irene." He said while shaking his head and drove his car.

I'm smiling ear to ear while entering Lisa's house, their maids welcome me with a big smile on their faces too. It's nice to go here again it's been ages since I go here. Even Lisa is not staying here for too long. She said its reminds her of her sister and brother. Her parents is always busy in their business that's why she don't like to be here.

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