chapter 6 : jealousy kartik

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Kartik felt like hitting kunal right now after what he just said but he could not do that.

Kartik controlled himself. Then after announcing this Mr.Pinto left.

Naira without waiting another second grabbed her bag and left the class shocking Kartik.

"What happened to her now?"he thought.

Kartik felt relieved when the bell rang. He dismissed the class quickly and rushed out and looked around for Naira but he couldn't find her anywhere.

He checked some corridors but she was not there.

Meanwhile Naira sat on a bench outside a class. She wiped her tears thinking about her accident.

She looked at her leg and slowly touched it.

"She can't dance!"

The doctor's words kept ringing in her brain which was making her more emotional.

Just then her phone beeped. She took it out and saw a message from Naksh.

"I just reached home. I hope you are having a great day. Missing you so much already. Take care and I love you Naira!"Naksh's message came and Naira read it.

Naira didn't reply to it. In one minute her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and it was Naksh calling. She wiped her tears and took a deep breath and then answered the call.

"Haa Bhai?"Naira said.

"Naira? Are you okay? I got worried when you didn't reply my message. Is everything okay? Is your health okay?"Naksh started asking all questions worryingly.

"Bhai I am absolutely fine! You worry so much. I am perfect. The reason I didn't reply to your messages were because I was in my class. I just came out when you called me!"Naira lied.

"Oh okay then. I just got worried..!"Naksh said calming down

"Bhai I have to go. I will call you once I reach home okay?"Naira said

"Haa okay. Me and Kirti will video call in the evening. Now take care. Bye!"Naksh said.

"Haa okay Bhai. Bye. You also take care!"Naira said and ended the call.

She stood up and went to drink some water. She placed her bag on the bench and went there.

Kunal saw Naira drinking water and she was alone. He thought it was the perfect chance for him to ask her to the freshers party. He went and sat on the bench where Naira kept her bag.

After drinking water Naira turned around and stopped on her tracks when she saw kunal sitting there.

She remained silent and went to there to get her bag. She picked it up and looked at him when she found him looking at her.

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