~Y/N's POV~ part 4

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As I'm wheeled through the hospital on a shiny table. I see the face of Micheal above me. He looks like a god and I take a moment and I take a moment to wonder if he is one... He certainly has both the handsomeness and the kindness and the muscularity of a god. Soon I'm in a room with lots of dangerous-looking equipment. Eeeeek! Micheal pats me on the arm (his hands are so soft) and say somethings but I don't hear, because of my injuries!! The moment that he touched me I felt a connection between us. The electricity was undeniable, impalpable, unforgettable. At that moment I knew that we were meant to be together forever! UNTIL DEATH DO US PART-" Y/N, we have to perform surgery now" Mikey say, "are you ready?" I respond back, "yes I'm so ready to crack you open babe" he smirks. Mikey is SUCH a goofball.. RAWR XD "Then I'm ready Luv," I say. 

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